AWE Resource Library


Standards and Codes

Standards and codes for plumbing, equipment, appliances, and green building are important in advancing the development of water efficiency and in assuring the longevity of water savings.  The Alliance for Water Efficiency participates in all of the key codes and standards-making organizations to ensure that the most water-efficient and cost-effective practices, products, and technologies are recognized.  The AWE Resource Library pages listed below offer information on codes and standards as well as links to the latest research and information about this important topic.

Standards and Codes Introduction

Background Information on Plumbing Codes

Background Information on Plumbing Standards

Green Building Programs and Water Efficiency

Background Information on Green Building Specifications

Definition of Terms

Looking for a quick definition of a water or conservation related term or concept?  The AWE Glossary has an extensive list of the most commonly used terms in the biz.

AWE Glossary of Common Water-Related Terms, Abbreviations, and Definitions 

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