Veterans Program Letters Directory


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Last Update: February 7, 2012

VPL Number Date VPL Title
08-12 06/26/12 On Jobs for Veterans State Grant Annual Funding Modification Requests
07-12 05/07/12 Overview of the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP), section 211 of the VOW to Hire Heros Act of 2011
07-12, Att. 1 04/26/12 VOW Fact Sheet
06-12 04/06/12 Amended Quarterly Financial Reporting Instructions for Transition Assistance Program Funding Awarded under the Jobs for Veterans State Grant
05-12 02/29/12 Grant Modification Request Procedures Related to Optional Year Funding for Competitive Grants and the National Veterans Technical Assistance Center Cooperative Agreements
05-12, Att. 1 02/29/12 Certifications and Assurances Signature Page
05-12, Att. 2 02/29/12 2012 List of Option Yr Eligible Grantees
05-12, Att. 3 02/29/12 Competitive Grant Review Checklist
05-12, Att. 4 02/29/12 Direct Cost Descriptions for Applicants and Sub-Applicants
05-12, Att. 5 02/29/12 Budget Information - Non-Construction Programs
05-12, Att. 6 02/29/12 Competitive Grants Critical Goals Comparison
05-12, Att. 7 02/29/12 Competitive Grants Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) for Optional Year Funding Grant Modifications
05-12, Att. 8 02/29/12 Indirect Cost Negotiation Agreement Nonprofit Organizations
05-12, Att. 9 02/29/12 Competitive Grants Quarterly Planned Goals
05-12, Att. 10 02/29/12 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424
04-12 Superseded by 05-12 02/03/12 Grant Modification Request Procedures Related to Optional Year Funding for Competitive Grants and the National Veterans Technical Assistance Center Cooperative Agreements
04-12, Att. 1 Superseded by 05-12 02/03/12 Certifications and Assurances Signature Page
04-12, Att. 2 Superseded by 05-12 02/03/12 2012 List of Option Yr Eligible Grantees
04-12, Att. 3 Superseded by 05-12 02/03/12 Competitive Grant Review Checklist
04-12, Att. 4 Superseded by 05-12 02/03/12 Direct Cost Descriptions for Applicants and Sub-Applicants
04-12, Att. 5 Superseded by 05-12 02/03/12 Budget Information - Non-Construction Programs
04-12, Att. 6 Superseded by 05-12 02/03/12 Competitive Grants Critical Goals Comparison
04-12, Att. 7 Superseded by 05-12 02/03/12 Competitive Grants Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) for Optional Year Funding Grant Modifications
04-12, Att. 8 Superseded by 05-12 02/03/12 Indirect Cost Negotiation Agreement Nonprofit Organizations
04-12, Att. 9 Superseded by 05-12 02/03/12 Competitive Grants Quarterly Planned Goals
04-12,Att.10 Superseded by 05-12 02/03/12 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424
03-12 02/13/12 Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Employment Workshop Redesign and Implementation
02-12 11/30/11 Competitive Grants Quarterly Reporting Guidance
01-12 11/04/11 Gold Card Initiative
01-12, Att. 1 11/04/11 Gold Card
03-11 06/14/11 Negotiating Performance Goals for Services to Veterans for Program Year 2011
03-11, Att. 1 06/14/11 State Workforce System Performance Measures Currently for Veterans
03-11, Att. 2 10/18/10 Grant Based Performance Outcomes By State for PY 2009
03-11, Att. 3 06/14/11 Calculating the Veteran EEr Weighted for Veterans Entering Employment Following Intensive Services for a Sample State
03-11, Att. 4 10/18/10 PY 2009 Data Applied to Calculate the Starting Points for Weighted Grant-Based EEr Targets for PY 2011
03-11, Att. 5 06/14/11 Grant Based Performance Measure Weighting Tool
03-11, Att. 6 10/18//10 One-Stop Performance Outcomes By State for PY 2009
03-11, Att. 7 06/14/11 Memo Format for PY11 Targets
02-11 05/31/11 Jobs for Veterans State Grant Annual Funding Modification Requests
02-11, Att. 1 05/12/11 FY 2012 Jobs for Veterans State Grant Funding Estimates for Planning
02-11, Att. 2 05/12/11 Jobs for Veterans State Grant Grant Numbers by State
01-11 Superseded by 05-12 02/07/11 Grant Modification Procedures to Request Optional 2nd or 3rd Year Funding for Program Year 2009 and 2010 Competitive Grants Awarded by the Veterans' Employment and Training Service
01-11, Att. 1 Superseded by 05-12 02/07/11 Eligible HVRP and VWIP grantees
01-11, Att. 2 Superseded by 05-12 02/07/11 Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) - Competitive Grantee Optional 2nd or 3rd Year Funding
01-11, Att. 3 Superseded by 05-12 02/07/11 Indirect Cost Agreement
01-11, Att. 4 Superseded by 05-12 02/07/11 SF424 exp 2012 from epagov website
01-11, Att. 5 Superseded by 05-12 02/07/11 Appendix B SF-424a
01-11, Att. 6 Superseded by 05-12 02/07/11 Appendix C Assurances
01-11, Att. 7 Superseded by 05-12 02/07/11 Appendix_D_Copy_PY2009_Common_Measures_Goal_Chart
01-11, Att. 8 Superseded by 05-12 02/07/11 Copy of DET RAVET Checklist for Grant Mods 2011 - current
01-11, Att. 9 Superseded by 05-12 02/07/11 Copy of Goals Comparison Example 2011
01-11,Att.10 Superseded by 05-12 02/07/11 Direct Costs FORM
08-10 Superseded by 03-11 06/29/10 Negotiating Performance Goals for PY 2010
08-10, Att. 1 Superseded by 03-11 06/29/10 SW System Performance Measures
08-10, Att. 2 Superseded by 03-11 06/29/10 PY08 Grant-Based Outcomes
08-10, Att. 3 Superseded by 03-11 06/29/10 Calc Wt EER Intens-Serv
08-10, Att. 4 Superseded by 03-11 06/29/10 Start-Point Weighted-EER
08-10, Att. 5 Superseded by 03-11 06/29/10 Wtd-EER Calculation - Tool
08-10, Att. 6 Superseded by 03-11 06/29/10 PY08 One-Stop Outcomes
08-10, Att. 7 Superseded by 03-11 06/29/10 Memo Format PY10 Targets

06/30/10 Refocused Roles & Responsibilities of JVSG Funded Staff

05/26/10 The Employment and Training Administration's Office of Job Corps / VETS Veterans Training Demonstration Project
06-10, Att. A 05/26/10 JCC Career and Technical Training
06-10, Att. B 05/26/10 Job corps Definitions and Measures
06-10, Att. C 05/26/10 TAP Facilitator Script for Job Corp Demo Project
06-10, Att. D 05/26/10 VETS - Job Corps Pilot TAP Site List.doc
05-10 05/05/10 State Agency Staff Attendance the Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) Conference
05-10 Att. 1 05/05/10 Attachment 1 - Conference Flyer
04-10 Superseded by VPL 02-11 04/30/10 Jobs for Veterans' State Grant Annual Funding Modification Requests for Fiscal Year 2011
04-10 Att. 1 Superseded by VPL 02-11 Att. 1 04/30/10 Jobs for Veterans' State Grant Funding Estimates for FY 2011
03-10 04/30/10 Modification Process for Adjustment to Jobs for Veterans State Grants.
02-10 02/01/10 Grant Modification Request Procedures for Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program and Veterans' Workforce Investment Program Optional 2nd and 3rd Year Funding for Program Year 2008 and 2009 Grants.
01-10 01/15/10 JVSG Recurring Report Requirements

11/10/09 Implementing Priority of Service for Veterans and Eligible Spouses in all Qualified Job Training Programs Funded in Whole or in Part by the U.S. Department of Labor
07-09, Att. A 11/10/09 Aspects of Workforce Programs That Relate to Priority of Service
07-09, Att. B 11/10/09 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
07-09, Att. C 11/10/09 Individual Record Data Elements Minimum Data Fields
07-09, Att. D 11/10/09 Report Formats
06-09 08/12/09 Process for Requesting Off-Site Training
05-09 07/10/09 Submitting Modification Requests for Additional Funding Allocation
05-09, Att. 1 07/10/09 Additional Funding Allocation Targets
04-09 06/05/09 Negotiating Performance Goals for PY 2009
04-09, Att. 1 06/05/09 SW System Performance Measures
04-09, Att. 2 06/05/09 PY07 Grant-Based Outcomes
04-09, Att. 3 06/05/09 Calc Wt EER Intens-Serv
04-09, Att. 4 06/05/09 Start-Point Weighted-EER
04-09, Att. 5 06/05/09 Wtd-EER Calculation- Tool
04-09, Att. 6 06/05/09 PY07 One-Stop Outcomes
04-09, Att. 7 06/05/09 Memo Format PY09 Targets
03-09 05/01/09 Jobs for Veterans' State Grants Application and Planning Instructions for Fiscal Years (FY) 2010-2014

03-09 Att. 1 05/01/09 Jobs for Veterans' State Grant Funding Estimates
03-09 Att. 2 05/01/09 Special Grant Provisions
02-09 04/01/09 State Agency Staff Attendance at the Jobs for Veterans State Grant Planning Conference
02-09 Att. 1 04/01/09 Conference Agenda
02-09 Att. 2 04/01/09 Conference Flyer

01-09 12/11/08 National Implementation of the DVA VR&E and VETS Partnership Project
01-09 Att. 1 12/11/08 VR&E Joint Workgroup Members Listing
01-09 Att. 2 12/11/08 VR&E Joint Workgroup Interim Report
01-09 Att. 3 12/11/08 VR&E Technical Assistance Guide (TAG)
01-09 Att. 4 12/11/08 VR&E (Chapter 31) Tracking Report
07-08 08/01/08 VETS TAP Employment Workshop Standard Presentation
06-08 07/07/08 DV-LV Attendance at Competitive Grantees Conference
06-08, Att. 1 07/07/08 1st Year HVRP Grantees for PY 2008
06-08, Att. 2 07/07/08 2008 DV-LV Attendees
06-08, Att. 3 07/07/08 Conference Travel Profile
06-08, Att. 4 07/07/08 Itemized Travel Claim
05-08 Superseded by VPL 04-09 06/25/08 Negotiating Performance Goals for PY 2008
04-08 Superseded by VPL 04-10 05/08/08 Jobs for Veterans' State Grant Annual Funding Modification Requests for Fiscal Year 2009
03-08 Rescinded by VPL 03-10 04/21/08 The Modification Process for Adjustments to Jobs for Veterans State Grants
02-08 01/18/08 Jobs for Veterans State Grant Reporting **Use for FY 2009, 5th and Final reports only**
01-08 11/29/07 Transition Assistance Program (TAP) and Disabled Transition Assistance Program (DT AP) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Guidance
01-08, Att. 1 11/29/07 Transition Assistance and Disabled Transition Assistance Programs Memorandum of Understanding dated September 19, 2006
01-08, Att. 2 11/29/07 Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Military Community and Family Policy) Memorandum dated February 13, 2007
01-08, Att. 3 11/29/07 Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Memorandum dated August 24, 2007
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06-07 08/06/07 VETS' Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Employment Workshop Initiatives
05-07 06/22/06 The Recovery and Employment Assistance Lifelines Program (REALifelines)
03-07 Superseded by VPL 04-08 05/10/07 Jobs for Veterans' Grant Annual Funding Modification Requests for FY 2008-2009
02-07 05/01/07 Annual Performance Incentive Awards for State Employees and Employment Service Offices
01-06 11/08/05 Newly Executed National MOU between the DVA VBA's Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment and the DOL/VETS
07-05 7/27/05 Staffing, Reporting Requirements and Roles and Responsibilities of the Disabled Veterans� Outreach Program Specialist (DVOP) and Local Veterans' Employment Representative (LVER) Under the Jobs for Veterans State Grants Updated 01/19/10
05-05 05/23/05 Direct and Indirect Charges to the FY 2005-2009 Jobs for Veterans State Grants
03-05 4/05/05 VETS Realignment of Pre-Existing Ten Regions into Six Regions
01-05 12/03/04 The Hire Vets First Campaign and Designation of Employers and "Hire Vets First" Employers
05-04 5/6/04 Announcement of Changes to Veterans Workforce Investment Program Grants for Program Year 2004
03-04 4/16/04 Issuance of FY 2005-2009 Solicitation for Grant Applications, Jobs for Veterans State Grants for DVOP Specialists and LVER Staff
03-04 SGA 4/16/04 Solicitation for Grant Application
03-04 Encl. 1a 4/16/04 Introduction
03-04 Encl. 1b Superseded by VPL 03-07 4/16/04> Funding Allocations
03-04 Encl. 2a 4/16/04 Acronyms
03-04 Encl. 2b 4/16/04 Glossary of Terms
03-04 Encl. 3a Superseded by VPL 03-07 4/16/04 SF 424
03-04 Encl. 3b Superseded by VPL 03-07 4/16/04 SF 424A
03-04 Encl. 3c Superseded by VPL 03-07 4/16/04 SF 424A and Financial Planning Worksheet Instructions
03-04 Encl. 3d Superseded by VPL 03-07 4/16/04 Financial Planning and Reporting Worksheets
03-04 Encl. 3e No longer current 4/16/04 Single Point of Contact List
03-04 Encl. 4 4/16/04 State Plan Narrative Instructions
03-04 Encl. 5 Superseded by VPL 03-07 4/16/04 Staffing Directory Example
03-04 Encl. 6a 4/16/04 Construction Assurance
03-04 Encl. 6b 4/16/04 Drug Free Workplace Certification
03-04 Encl. 6c 4/16/04 Debarment Certification
03-04 Encl. 6d 4/16/04 Lobbying Certification
03-04 Encl. 6e 4/16/04 State Plan Narrative Instructions
03-04 Encl. 7 Superseded by VPL 03-07 4/16/04 TAP Worksheet
03-04 Encl. 8 Superseded by VPL 03-07 4/16/04 Special Grant Provisions
03-04 Encl. 9 4/16/04 General Grant Provisions
02-04 2/26/04 IVTP Workshop Planner and Enhancement Case Management Services for Previously Incarcerated Veterans
04-03 2/24/03 Implementation Plan for Public Law 107-288
02-03 12/17/02 Public Law 107-288
06-02 3/13/02 New Law Expands Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Eligibility Purposes
03-99 02/24/99 WIA Requirements
03-99 Change 1 7/7/99 WIA Requirements-Clarification of the Requirement to Provide Priority Services to Veterans
11-94 9/2/94 Guidance on Americans with Disabilities Act
10-93 8/16/93 Updated NVTI Travel Procedures for SESA/Other Non-VETS Participants
07-90 3/5/90 Prohibition on the Use of Appropriated Federal Funds to Influence Federal Transactions
12-88 7/7/88 Veterans' Status of Merchant Marines
05-88 2/8/88 Joint Army and DOL Transition Job Assistance Program
13-84 7/27/841 Cooperative Agreement Between DOL and the VA

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