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Information to assist school districts and their communities in creating well-planned, K-12 learning environments in safe, clean, and up-to date schools.
General Information
General guidance for California public schools related to facilities and funding; includes e-mail list to get timely information regarding changes in laws, regulations and policies.
Best Practices and Resources
Best practices fact sheets and resources that support the school facilities planning, design, and implementation process.
California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Proposition 39)
The California Clean Energy Jobs Act allocates revenue to local education agencies to support energy efficiency and alternative energy projects, along with related improvements and repairs that contribute to reduced operating costs and improved health and safety conditions in public schools.
Charter Schools
Information to assist school districts and charter schools in seeking state facility funding assistance under AB 14 (Chapter 935, statutes of 2002), which defines the manner of funds available.
Facility Design
Information that relates to the Education Code sections that define the criteria that new school sites and new construction and modernization plans funded by the state must meet to be approved.
Health & Safety
Information on indoor air quality, lead, asbestos, electromagnetic fields, safe walking routes to school, disaster preparedness, PCBs, pesticides, and pipelines.
Master Planning
Information and resources to assist school districts in preparing facility master plans.
Multitrack Year-Round Education
Provides assistance to school districts that plan to implement or operate Multitrack Year-Round Education (MTYRE) programs.
Overcrowded Schools
Provides information necessary to qualify for the overcrowded school programs. The programs provide funding for construction of new classrooms to reduce school site pupil density and to replace portable classrooms with permanent construction.
Qualified Zone Academy Bond (QZAB)
Information about the QZAB program, which allows local educational agencies to solicit contributions from private enterprises and to issue tax-exempt bonds and use the proceeds for specified educational purposes.
Research, topic sheets, and bibliographies that support the vision and guiding principles throughout the school facilities planning, design, and implementation process.