Province and Territory Water Efficiency and Conservation Policy InformationCanada 

In 2011 and 2012 the Alliance for Water Efficiency gathered data to update its 2009 Province and Territory Information pages.

The 2009 survey questions were augmented and the topic areas expanded.  Due to funding limitations, the Canadian provinces and territories were not included in the 2012 Water Efficiency and Conservation State Scorecard report.  However, the information collected for Canada is posted online.  Below are links to each of the provinces and territories.  We are interested in keeping this information as accurate and comprehensive as possible.  Please email with any corrections, changes, or additions.

Alberta  Newfoundland  Nunavut Québec 
British Columbia  Northwest Territories Ontario  Saskatchewan 
Manitoba  Nova Scotia  Prince Edward Island   Yukon 
New Brunswick     


Canadian Water Efficiency and Conservation Resources 

Canadian National Water Efficiency Network (A Canadian chapter of the Alliance for Water Efficiency)

Environment Canada (2011) 2009 Municipal Water Use Statistics

Environment Canada (2011) Municipal Water Pricing Report

RBC (2010) Canadian Water Attitudes Study 

Gibbon, W (2008) Who uses water-saving fixtures in the home - Canada

Mehan, T et al (2008) Water Abundance In Canada and US - Myth or Reality

Schneider, M (2007) Sales of 13L Toilets versus Low-Flush Models in Canada 2005

Statistics Canada (2006) Households and the Environment

Kinkead, J. (2005) An Analysis of Canadian Water Efficiency Practices