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Categorical Programs

Information for select state and federal categorical programs.

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Active Programs - Funding Information, Apportionment Letters and Schedules, and Entitlements

  • Other Funding Sources Not Listed Below
  • 2008-09 Recovery of Overpayments
    To recover funds allocated in excess of the revised 2008-09 budget act appropriations.
  • Adult Education Block Grant Program
    Adult education is a public education program for all adults. The Adult Education Block Grant provides funds to support these activities.
  • American Indian Early Childhood Education
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the American Indian Early Childhood Education Program providing direct services to American Indian children, pre-kindergarten through grade four, in reading and math through after school tutorial.
  • American Indian Education Centers
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to supporting the educational and cultural needs of American Indian students.
  • College Readiness Block Grant
    Funding to provide California high school pupils, particularly unduplicated pupils, additional supports to increase the number who enroll at institutions of higher education and complete an undergraduate degree within four years.
  • Common Core State Standards Implementation Funds
    A program providing funds to support the integration of academic content standards in instruction adopted pursuant to sections 60605.8, 60605.85, 60605.10, 60605.11 and 60811.3 of Education Code for kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive for purposes of establishing high-quality instructional programs for all pupils.
  • Educator Effectiveness
    A program providing funds to county offices of education, school districts, charter schools, and state special schools to provide professional development and to promote educator quality and effectiveness.
  • Mandate - One-Time Funds for Outstanding Mandate Claims
    One-Time Funds for Outstanding Mandate Claims and Common Core State Standards, English Language Development Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.
  • Mandate Block Grant
    These funds are to support mandated activities pursuant to Government Code Section 17581.6 and is in-lieu of receiving a mandate reimbursement claim.
  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB): Title VI, Part B, Subpart 2 - Rural and Low-Income Schools
    A federal program for rural education agencies with 20 percent or more of the pupils from families below the poverty line. Among other uses, the funding provides for teacher recruitment and retention, teacher professional development, educational technology, and parental involvement activities.
  • Proposition 39 - California Clean Energy Jobs Act
    A state program providing funding to local educational agencies for improving energy efficiency and creating clean energy jobs.
  • Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA)
    Funds are available for use in performing various specified measures to improve academic instruction and pupil academic achievement.
  • Special Olympics Unified Strategy for Schools
    Funds are allocated for the purposes of expanding the Special Olympics Unified Strategy for Schools to additional schools throughout the state.
  • Specialized Secondary
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the establishment of new, advanced, specialized programs in California high schools and continuation of specialized programs established in conjunction with the CSU system prior to 1991-92.
  • State Special Schools
    A program that requires the school district of residence of the parent or guardian of any residential student attending a State Special School to pay ten percent of the excess cost of education for that student.
  • Student Friendly Services
    Funding in support of providing access to higher education in California in the form of online tools designed to improve outreach and admission services to prospective students, families, counselors, teachers, and administrators.
  • Title I - Parts A and D
    A federal program to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
  • Title II - Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals, Part A - Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting
    A federal program that increases student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher and principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom and highly qualified principals and assistant principals in schools.
  • Title III - Language Instruction for English Learners (EL) and Language Instruction for Immigrant Students
    A federal program to provide supplementary programs and services to assist EL and immigrant students in achieving grade-level and graduation standards, as well as assisting EL students with acquiring English.
  • Unemployment Insurance Management System
    Funding is provided to county offices of education to cover costs of administering the Unemployment Insurance Management System for each school employer participating in the School Employees Fund.

Programs No Longer Funded - Funding Information, Apportionment Letters and Schedules, and Entitlements

  • 5-5-9 Flexible Categorical Consolidated Payments
    Pursuant to the provisions of EC Section 14041, payments for “flexed” categorical programs are to be made in twelve installments beginning in July and ending in June. In order to streamline the payment process, monthly payments for several categorical programs have been consolidated into a single monthly payment.
  • Administrator Training - State Funds
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to providing professional development for site school administrators.
  • Arts and Music Block Grant
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to providing support for standards-aligned instruction in arts and music.
  • Basic Aid Reduction
    Basic aid districts and categorical funding reductions.
  • Bilingual Teacher Training Program
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to assisting K-12 teachers who held basic credentials to attain CTC authorization to teach English learners, using ELD, SDAIE, and primary language.
  • California Association of Student Councils (CASC)
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the CASC program providing leadership development opportunities for student council members from schools statewide.
  • California High School Exit Exam Intensive Instruction and Services
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the California High School Exit Exam Intensive Instruction and Services program providing intensive instruction and services to assist pupils in passing the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE).
  • California School Age Families Education (Cal-SAFE)
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the Cal-SAFE program, a comprehensive community-linked school program for expectant and parenting students and their children.
  • Center for Civic Education
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the Center for Civic Education program providing funding directly to the Center for Civic Education.
  • Certificated Staff Mentoring
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to "staff priority schools" to assist beginning teachers and teacher interns during their induction and first years of teaching.
  • Charter School Categorical Block Grant Programs
    Programs for which charter schools may not apply for directly from the state.
  • Chief Business Officer (CBO) Training
    A program to provide funds for training CBO and CBO candidates per Senate Bill 352.
  • Community-Based English Tutoring
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to providing free or subsidized programs of English language instruction to parents or other adult members of the community who pledge to tutor English learners.
  • Economic Impact Aid (EIA)
    A program supporting compensatory educational services for educationally disadvantaged students and bilingual education services for English learners.
  • Educational Technology
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly they were restricted to providing educational technology assistance to local educational agencies through the CTAP and SETS programs.
  • English Language Acquisition
    A program providing funding for instructional support and coordination of services for students enrolled in grades four through eight and for reclassification to English-fluent status in grades kindergarten through twelve.
  • Fiscal Solvency Plans
    A program providing funding to local educational agencies for school districts and charter schools that have completed plans to meet their outstanding long-term fiscal obligations for other postemployment benefits.
  • Instructional Materials Funding Realignment Program (IMFRP)
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the IMFRP program that replaces three previous funding sources for instructional materials: The K-8 Instructional Materials Fund, the 9-12 Instructional Materials Fund, and the Schiff-Bustamante Standards-Aligned Instructional Materials Fund, K-12.
  • International Baccalaureate - State funds
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to providing funds to participating public high schools and middle schools that offered the IB Program to cover ongoing costs of professional development required by the program and subsidized fees for exams for eligible students.
  • J-4 County School Service Funds Reimbursement
    A program providing reimbursement for county employee travel and other expenses.
  • Mathematics and Reading Professional Development
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to providing professional development for mathematics and reading/language arts teachers.
  • Mathematics and Reading Professional Development - English Learners
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to providing professional development for mathematics and reading/language arts teachers of English learners.
  • Middle and High School Supplemental School Counseling
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the Middle and High School Supplemental School Counseling program that provides funds to support additional, appropriate counseling services for students in grades seven through twelve at risk of (1) not passing the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) or (2) not accessing the standards curriculum because they are two or more grade levels below standards by the seventh grade.
  • National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification Incentive
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to providing funds to teachers who attained certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and assigned to teach in high priority schools.
  • New Charter School Supplemental Categorical Block Grant
    Pursuant to EC Section 42606, state categorical funding for schools that begin operation after fiscal year 2007-08.
  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB): Title IV, Part A-Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities
    A federal program providing funding to local educational agencies to prevent violence in and around schools; to prevent the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs; and to foster a safe and drug-free learning environment that supports academic achievement.
  • Oral Health Assessment
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the Oral Health Assessment program providing funding to local educational agencies for notifying parents and legal guardians of the oral health screening requirements for kindergartners, or first grade students if it is their first year in public school. Additional funding is provided to county offices of education for storage and dissemination of oral health assessment data.
  • Peer Assistance Review (PAR)
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the PAR program supporting a teacher peer assistance and review system and the coordination of employment policies and procedures with activities for professional development.
  • Physical Education Teacher Incentive Program
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the Physical Education Teacher Incentive program providing funding to hire credentialed physical education teachers to teach physical education in selected schools serving kindergarten and any of grades one through eight.
  • Professional Development Block Grant
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the Professional Development Block Grant program providing funding for any purpose authorized by the Instructional Time and Staff Development Reform (ITSDR), Teaching as a Priority Block Grant (TAP), and Intersegmental Staff Development Programs as they existed prior to inclusion in the Professional Development Block Grant.
  • Pupil Retention Block Grant
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the Pupil Retention Block Grant combining funding for the following programs that target pupils who require additional assistance to succeed in school: Elementary School Intensive Reading, Intensive Algebra Instruction Academies, Continuation High School Foundation, High Risk Youth Education and Public Safety, Tenth Grade Counseling, District Opportunity Classes and Programs, Dropout Prevention and Recovery, Early Intervention for School Success, and At-Risk Youth for Los Angeles Unified School District.
  • Pupil Transportation: Home-to-School and Special Education
    A program funding home-to-school and special education pupil transportation services.
  • Reader Services for Legally Blind Teachers
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to reimbursing local educational agencies for providing readers to blind teachers.
  • Regional Occupational Center or Program Joint Powers Agencies (ROCP JPAs)
    An apportionment available to eligible ROCP JPAs that received funding directly for former categorical programs specified in the California Education Code Section 42238.03(a)(5)(B).
  • School and Library Improvement Block Grant
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the School and Library Improvement Block Grant combining funds from School Library Materials (SLM) and the School Improvement Program (SIP).
  • School Safety and Violence Prevention
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the School Safety and Violence Prevention program providing funding to school districts maintaining grades eight through twelve for purposes that improve school safety or reduce violence among students.
  • School Safety Consolidated Competitive Grant (School Community Violence Prevention)
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the School Safety Consolidated Competitive Grant program combining funds for six previously existing school violence prevention programs: (1) Safe School Planning and Partnership; (2) School Community Policing; (3) Gang-Risk Intervention; (4) Safety Plans for New Schools; (5) School Community Violence Prevention; and (6) Conflict Resolution.
  • Small School District and County Office of Education Bus Replacement
    A program that funds bus replacement in small school districts and county offices of education.
  • Targeted Instructional Improvement Block Grant
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the Targeted Instructional Improvement Block Grant combining funds from the Supplemental and Targeted Instructional Improvement Grants program.
  • Teacher Credentialing Block Grant
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the Teacher Credentialing Block Grant that includes funding for the Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) program.
  • Valenzuela Case Settlement County Oversight
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the Valenzuela Case Settlement County Oversight funds to county offices of education (COEs) for oversight purposes as part of the Valenzuela v. O'Connell (Valenzuela) case settlement.
  • Williams Case Settlement: County Oversight/Instructional Materials
    These funds may be used for any educational purpose. Formerly, they were restricted to the Williams Case Settlement County Oversight funds to county offices of education (COEs) for oversight purposes as part of the Eliezer Williams, et al. v. State of California, et al case settlement.
Questions: Julie Klein Briggs | | 916-323-6191 
Last Reviewed: Friday, September 9, 2016
Recently Posted in Allocations & Apportionments