
Farm Bill

Farm Bill in 2012 ensures that farmers and ranchers have the tools they need to produce an abundant and affordable food and fiber supply is as important to our country as national defense.

MF Global

The House Agriculture Committee is committed to shedding light on the events leading up to the bankruptcy and ensuring customers are made whole.

Regulatory Watch

The House Agriculture Committee is keeping an eye on the regulations that affect our producers.

Dodd-Frank Implementation

The House Agriculture Committee is working to ensure that Dodd-Frank regulations are balanced and do not impose undue burdens on America's businesses.

Free Trade Agreements

The free trade agreements with Korea, Colombia, and Panama are critical to revitalizing our economy and creating American jobs--particularly in rural areas.

Spray Drift

Recent action by the EPA is just the latest example of the EPA blindly following its radical environmental policies and ignoring its effects on American agriculture, America’s food security and the American economy.

EPA Endangerment Finding

Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Frank Lucas joined over 100 of his Republican colleagues in the House to cosponsor a disapproval resolution (H.J. Res. 77) that would nullify the EPA’s endangerment finding.

Food Safety

The Committee on Agriculture is committed to ensuring food safety for all Americans.