Welcome to the CloudSat Data Processing Center

CloudSat is a satellite mission designed to measure the vertical structure of clouds from space. The radar data produces detailed images of cloud structures which will contribute to a better understanding of clouds and climate. Please peruse this website to find out more about the CloudSat mission and the Data Processing Center.

Visit the main CloudSat project website at Colorado State University.

CloudSat releases algorithm uncertainty study

September 1, 2016
The CloudSat algorithm development leads have completed a synthesis of algorithm uncertainties. The synopsis describes the known uncertainties in the Cloudsat algorithms and provides the relevant technical and peer reviewed references for data end-users. The algorithm development team plans to update the document periodically as new data releases become available.

CloudSat's 10th Anniversary

April 28, 2016

Ten years ago on April 28th, 2006, the CloudSat and CALIPSO satellites were launched into orbit. Since then both spacecraft have been gathering data to support cloud research, weather forecasting and climate modeling. Check out the Colorado State University press release.

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New Data Ordering System

April 15, 2016
Dear CloudSat DPC User,
Our new data distribution system is now live. While your username has been transferred the new system, you will need to update your password on the DPC website at http://www.cloudsat.cira.colostate.edu/user/password to use the data ordering page and direct access FTP server.
If you have any questions about the change please contact us at http://www.cloudsat.cira.colostate.edu/contact.
- CloudSat DPC Team

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The New CloudSat DPC Website

March 5, 2015

The DPC website has been given a new look and the structure has been redesigned to make it easier to find information about the CloudSat data products and associated resources. Though we have done our best to ensure a smooth transition, please let us know if you encounter any problem while using this site through the Contact Us link under the Home tab above.

-The DPC Team

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CloudSat Level 3 Product Available

October 20, 2011

The level 3 product is derived from 2B-GEOPROF and contains the monthly-mean joint histograms of radar reflectivity and height and radar-determined total cloud fraction. The histograms and documentation are available at the Level 3 website. Points of contact are Yuying Zhang and Roger Marchand.

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