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Program Overview

Descriptions of and budget information about child development programs administered by the Department.

American Indian Early Childhood Education Program

The American Indian Early Childhood Education (AIECE) Program, California Department of Education, is a state-funded program designed to develop and test educational models that increase competence in reading, language arts, mathematics, and self-esteem for American Indian children in pre-kindergarten through grade four. Funds are designated for schools with at least 10 percent American Indian students, and they are allocated through a competitive process for three-year cycles.

Child Care and Development Programs - CalEdFacts

Child Care Facilities Revolving Fund
The purpose of this program is to provide funding for the acquisition of relocatable buildings for Early Education and Support Division contractors.

Child Care and Development Programs

Brief descriptions of Title 5 child development programs, quality improvement activities, and Local Child Care and Development Planning Councils.

Child Care and Development Budgets

Reimbursement Fact Sheet FY 2013-14 Budget Act
Reimbursement Fact Sheet FY 2014-15 Budget Act
Reimbursement Fact Sheet FY 2015-16 Budget Act
Standard reimbursement rate (SRR) for center-based direct services contracts including general child care, State Preschool, and Bay Area Handicapped Programs plus adjustment factors and the adjusted SRR. Age classifications for center-based and regional market rate programs are also included.

Title I Preschool

Title I, Part A funds may be used for eligible preschool children, i.e., those most at risk of failing to meet the state's academic content standards. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 encourages the use of Title I Part A funds for preschool programs.

Questions:   Early Education and Support Division | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Friday, June 24, 2016
Recently Posted in Child Development