Older Consumers

The independence and financial security of older adults are threatened by abusive practices in the marketplace. NCLC provides trainings and case consultation as well as legal assistance to attorneys and advocates for older adults in consumer and energy law. Our advocates specialize in foreclosure prevention and defense, debt collection, consumer fraud, and energy/utility assistance, among other topics. NCLC is a partner organization within the National Legal Resource Center.

Free Webinar Series (Sept. 2015 – June 2016): 
Elder Abuse Prevention & Response

In partnership with the National Legal Resource Center, NCLC hosts free webinars for elder advocates and attorneys.In 2015-2016, NCLC will feature a series of webinars with experts from across the nation discussing legal responses to elder abuse. Topics include:

  • The Fine Art of Balancing Protection with Self Determination
    Empowering individuals to actively participate in personal decision making improves life outcomes and can reduce the risk of abuse and exploitation. This session will discuss recognizing the signs and signals of abuse, neglect (self-neglect) and exploitation, tools to maximize communication with persons with differing abilities, and promoting self-determination and choice through supported approaches that mitigate against risk and empower individuals. More >>>

  • The Role of Long Term Care Ombudsman and Legal Aid Attorneys

  • The Role of Adult Protective Services, Legal Aid, and Protection and Advocacy

  • Representing Clients in Guardianship Actions: Winning the Case for Supported Decision Making
    Supported Decision-Making is an alternative to guardianship where older adults and people with disabilities work with trusted friends, family members, and professionals to help them understand the situations they face and the choices they must make so they can make their own decision, without the 'need' for a guardian. This webinar will help you learn how to "win the case" for Supported Decision-Making at three critical stages: (1) when helping the people you work with access supports and services to live independently; (2) when a petition for guardianship has been filed; (3) and when the person you're working with is under a guardianship. More >>>

  • Restoring Public Benefits Compromised by Elder Financial Exploitation

  • Legal Remedies to Financial Exploitation: "Let's Get Grandpa's House Back!"
    This webinar focused on fraudulent real property transactions commonly perpetrated by family members and trusted fiduciaries. We will provide an overview of elder financial exploitation related to property, talk about prevention measures, and explain strategies and tactics successfully used to handle cases and recover assets. More >>>

  • Recovering Assets Lost to Financial Abuse: "Can I get their Money Back?"

  • Transactional Capacity and Vulnerability to Elder Abuse

Sign up to be notified of future webinars or listen to past webinars.


Policy Analysis

Policy Briefs, Reports & Press Releases Comments and Testimony

logo-NLRCNCLC's National Elder Rights Training Project provides trainings nationwide on a broad range of topics. The Project is part of the Administration on Community Living's National Legal Resource Center. The NLRC provides technical support, case consultation and training to the nation's aging services network.