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Contractor Information

Resources and important information for Early Education and Support Division contractors, including Desired Results, management bulletins, forms, fiscal services, child development permits, and data reporting.

California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs)
Child Care and Development Contract Program Types and Prefixes
Child Care Family Fee Rate Calculator
Child Care Services Reports
Child Development Permits
Compliance Monitoring
Consultant Directory
Continued Funding Application
Data Reporting
Desired Results
E-mail Distribution List Subscription
Fiscal Services
Funding Terms and Conditions/Program Support Requirements
Individualized County Child Care Subsidy Plan
Local Child Care and Development Planning Council (LPC) Forms
Management Bulletins
Parent Appeal Information
Parent Appeals–Frequently Asked Questions to Management Bulletin 13-04
Program Self-Evaluations
Reimbursement Ceilings for Subsidized Child Care
Resource and Referral (R&R) Program Service Data Report
Statute and Regulation Clarification Regarding Selection of Regional Market Rate Ceilings and Reimbursement Calculations
Training Review Guides
Webinar Presentations

California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs)
  • CalWORKs Stage 2 and 3 and Alternative Payment Programs Best Practices for Program Integrity Report
    The California Department of Education (CDE) releases this report to comply with a requirement cited in Senate Bill 1104 (Chapter 229, Statutes 2004) that a survey be conducted with stakeholders to examine current program integrity practices. Survey results reveal the statewide disparity, with specific recommendations for improvement.
  • CalWORKs Stage 3 Child Care Frequently Asked Questions
    This page contains answers to frequently asked questions regarding CalWORKs Stage 3 child care.
  • Letter to CalWORKs Stage 2 Child Care Contractors
    The Early Education and Support Division (EESD) has posted this letter to all CalWORKs Stage 2 Child Care Contractors and strongly urges contractors to review it. The letter is a reminder of the permissive provisions of California Education Code Section 8263(c) that allow agencies to assist families currently receiving subsidized care a continuity of services should the families' eligibility for services end.
Child Care and Development Contract Program Types and Prefixes
Child Care Family Fee Rate Calculator
Child Care Services Reports
  • Child Care Services Reports
    Contractors are required to submit a variety of reports throughout the contract period. This submission schedule identifies the mandatory reports and their due dates.

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Child Development Permits
Compliance Monitoring
Consultant Directory
  • Consultant Directory
    Each county within California is assigned a child development consultant available to work with providers in addressing their specific needs.
Continued Funding Application
  • Continued Funding Application
    Contractors that intend to continue services into the next contract year are required to complete and submit a continued funding application (CFA).
Data Reporting
  • Data Reporting
    The federal government requires states to collect data about families served with child care services funds. In addition, State and federal legislators require data about the Early Education and Support Division’s programs and services in order to develop public policy for child care and development services in California, and to justify funding changes to expand availability of services throughout the State. The Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) was created to collect these required data. CDMIS also provides useful reports and management tools for contractors. This section explains the features of CDMIS including how to submit your monthly data through a secure Web site. Please note that in addition to CDMIS, there is currently a separate reporting system for Resource and Referral programs.

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Desired Results
  • Desired Results
    Desired Results for Children and Families, a result-driven process, asks educators to document the developmental progress made by children and families toward the achievement of specific results.
E-mail Distribution List Subscription
  • E-mail Distribution List Subscription
    Beginning July 1, 2008, the EESD will notify Executive Directors and Program Directors of EESD contract agencies by e-mail only regarding critical documents and new instructions or requirements. All Executive Directors and Program Directors who contract with EESD are required to subscribe. In addition, EESD contractors and any other interested organizations or persons may subscribe to the Program Information e-mail list to receive periodic and updated information on EESD programs and services.
Fiscal Services
  • Fiscal Services
    This page displays the fiscal resources available to CDE funded child development services contractors.
  • Forms
    Commonly used child development services contract implementation documents can be obtained from this page.
Funding Terms and Conditions/Program Support Requirements
Individualized County Child Care Subsidy Plan
  • Individualized County Child Care Subsidy Plan
    Child care and development contractors must use the Income Ranking Table and Family Fee Schedule when enrolling income eligible children pursuant to EC Section 8263(b) (2) and disenrolling eligible children pursuant to EC Section 8263.2(b).
Local Child Care and Development Planning Council (LPC) Forms
  • LPC Forms
    Local Child Care and Development Planning Council reporting and transfer request forms.

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Management Bulletins
  • Management Bulletins
    The Early Education and Support Division periodically issues Management Bulletins to provide legal and regulatory information to child development contractors and other interested parties. This resource also includes prior child care funding announcements issued since the 2000 calendar year to the present.
Parent Appeal Information
Parent Appeals–Frequently Asked Questions to Management Bulletin 13-04
Program Self-Evaluations
Reimbursement Ceilings for Subsidized Child Care
  • Reimbursement Ceilings for Subsidized Child Care
    Maximum reimbursements (ceilings) for subsidized child care provided through programs that are subject to the Regional Market Rate (RMR) Survey of California Child Care Providers. These reimbursement ceilings become effective on October 1, 2006.
Resource and Referral (R&R) Program Service Data Report
Statute and Regulation Clarification Regarding Selection of Regional Market Rate Ceilings and Reimbursement Calculations
Training Review Guides
  • Training Review Guides
    These documents provide clear written information that will be used in full-day center-based and alternative payment monitoring reviews. Contractors will be assisted in developing and implementing quality assurance processes.
Webinar Presentations
  • Webinar Presentations
    Instructional webinar information presented by Early Education and Support Division staff.

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Questions:   Early Education and Support Division | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Recently Posted in Child Development