AMI-ABLE Committee

AMIABLE LogoThe AMI-ABLE Committee is an extension of the Water Research Foundation project, AMR/AMI Standardization for Drinking Water Systems.  In December 2014, the Committee was approved by the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) Board of Directors to further the project goals to promote the establishment and use of standards for Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) systems.  See the committee's mission statement here.  Your utility must be a member of AWE in order to be a voting utility committee member.  The working group is presently engaged in the preparation of language to be used for AMR/AMI specifications regarding aspects of transmitted meter data and the formats that it may take.  The highest priority in the effort is the advent of interoperability between AMR/AMI systems, monitors and valves that may be connected to them, communication and programming devices as well as data formatting.  The committee is expanding utility membership but also working in partnership with vendors, consultants and other organizations associated with AMI and AMR.  

The Water Research Foundation project is scheduled to conclude at the end of June 2015.  During the project, utility participation was built, AMR and AMI priorities were established and draft language for an array of features of AMI and AMR were constructed.   In the short term, the primary function of the committee is to support the conclusion of the project conducting workshops and webinars, meeting with various parties, furthering the language and build the membership. 

The AMI-ABLE Committee is Looking to Grow its Membership

Especially Utilities in the Process or Contemplating an AMI or AMR RFP

The committee will work most effectively by placing the language that has been developed in the hands of utilities bidding AMR and AMI.  The more the language is found in RFP documents, the closer it gets to being a standard.  The following linked document was prepared by the research team and vetted by groups attending various workshops to date: Chairman Tommy McClung, City of Houston; Vice Chairman Ed Hackney, United Water.  Click here to download a PDF of the latest specification language.

Upcoming Meetings/Events

Meeting Details to be Provided Upon Finalization

  • TBA


  • AMR/AMI Overview [PDF]
  • PowerPoint Slides from AWE's Feb '15 AMI Webinar [PDF]
  • AMI-ABLE Committee Overview [PDF]


For more information contact:

   David M. Hughes, P.E.
   Manager, Water Research
   Innovation and Environmental Stewardship
   American Water