2016 Status Reviews of Listed Salmon & Steelhead

As directed by the Endangered Species Act, NOAA Fisheries reviews the status of all listed species every five years to determine whether a species should be delisted, reclassified from endangered to threatened or threatened to endangered, or whether the current classification should be retained. We completed our most recent five-year status review of all 28 Pacific salmon and steelhead in 2016. The review found that no species warranted a change in status at this time. Many species have either improved or remained stable since the previous review in 2011, but none of the species reviewed have declined significantly or improved such that a change in listing status is warranted. Each of the status reviews is available below, as well as the supporting documentation used to inform the agency's review. LEARN MORE about the 2016 Five-Year Status Reviews of Pacific Salmon & Steelhead...

Five-Year Status Reports & Supporting Documents