Nurse Corps

I am Navy Medicine: Lt. Cmdr. James Wiley


By Lt. Cmdr. James Wiley, reserve liaison officer, U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery My name is Lt. Cmdr. James Wiley. I’m a reserve liaison officer at the U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. My job as a reserve liaison officer is to ensure Navy Medicine is ready to mobilize Sailors to deploy. I believe in selfless service …

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I am Navy Medicine: Capt. Alison Eagleton


By Capt. Alison Eagleton, reserve affairs officer, U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery I’m the reserve affairs officer for the Medical Corps at the U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. I’m also the interim reserve affairs officer for the Nurse Corps, which means I’m responsible for 1,700 Medical Corps and Nurse Corps officers worldwide. When I started with …

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I am Navy Medicine: Capt. Annie Case


By Capt. Annie Case I am a Navy Nurse Corps officer, recently assigned to Naval Hospital Bremerton (NHB) as Quality Management Department head. On July 1, 2016, I promoted to the rank of Navy captain as a Navy Nurse Corps officer, and transferred to U.S. Naval Hospital Yokosuka to become director, Nursing Services. I first became interested in a career …

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A Message from the Navy Surgeon General: Navy Nurse Corps 108th Birthday

Navy Nurse Birthday

Navy Medicine is given a trust to care for those who have volunteered to defend our freedom, a trust to return America’s sons and daughters home safely. On behalf of the entire Navy Medicine family, I extend my gratitude and appreciation to our Navy Nurse Corps for 108 years of honoring that trust. On May 13, 1908, President Theodore Roosevelt …

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I Am Navy Medicine: Lt. Cmdr. Patricia Danielle Butler


I’m a Navy Nurse Corps officer and perinatal clinical nurse specialist. In June I departed Naval Hospital Bremerton (NHB) for Naval Medical Center San Diego and I recently became Assistant Specialty Leader for Maternal Child/Neonatal Nursing to the Director of the Navy Nurse Corps. As a Detroit, Michigan native and Avondale High School 1990 graduate, I enlisted in the United …

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