U.S. House HistoryVerified account


U.S. House History is the official Twitter account of the History, Art & Archives of the U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
Joined October 2012

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  1. Shhh! Jefferson wrote a secret letter to Congress in 1803. About what?

  2. Edition for Educators: all things & Congress.

  3. "Let us…see whether we also in our day & generation may not perform something worthy to be remembered." Born .

  4. His words are emblazoned above the rostrum in the House Chamber. Born in 1782.

  5. 3rd time speaking before a Jt Sess of Congress—more than anyone else— in 1952.

  6. The press 1st reviewed this "inspiring" work gracing the ceiling of the Dome in 1866.

  7. Antonio Manuel Fernández, Hispanic Rep defending POWs in WWII.

  8. This British addressed a for the 3rd time in 1952.

  9. “The children of today cannot wait for the passing of the Depression to receive their education.” Died in 1952.

  10. Check out this campaign button for 's senior aide Andrew Young.

  11. In celebration of day watch this documentary of Selma and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

  12. Thanks to this , MLK's birthday is a national holiday.

  13. Hats were allowed on the House Floor until 1837.

  14. to early Resident Commissioner Tulio Larrínaga of PR.

  15. Uncle Joe was well known for his beaver top hat.

  16. Need to shed holiday pounds? Follow the lead of these House Members, working up a sweat in 1920.

  17. The ratified the Treaty of Paris in 1784, formally concluding the Revolutionary War.

  18. in 1955, a woman walked uninvited on to the House Floor asking to address the chamber.

  19. Former & Schuyler Colfax of died in 1885.

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