Europe and Eurasia

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On behalf of the American people, USAID’s Bureau for Europe and Eurasia (E&E) partners to promote resilient and democratic societies, strengthen economic growth and energy security, and support European-Atlantic integration to realize a region that is whole, free, and at peace. USAID responds to opportunities and challenges in the region through innovative, sustainable, and replicable programs that help support our partner countries in E&E in their continuing transitions to stable, prosperous, free-market, pluralistic democracies. In Fiscal Year 2015, USAID and the Department of State jointly provided over $450 million in development assistance to programs in the Europe & Eurasia region.

USAID has Missions, offices, or programs in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine. The Bureau also manages U.S. assistance to the International Fund for Ireland.


We continue to address the pervasive corruption, political stagnation, significant poverty and undeveloped policy and regulatory environments that hold the region back. As a region of increasing economic importance, our investments help support American trade and investment. And as home to several NATO allies, our development ties strengthen critical national security bonds.

Our support has helped integrate countries into global markets and partnerships, as they prepared for entry into European Union and transatlantic institutions:

  • From 24 original partner countries, 11 have graduated from our assistance, 22 have joined the World Trade Organization, 11 have acceded to the E.U., and 12 have joined NATO.
  • The 11 countries that have graduated from our assistance are some of the U.S.’s strongest allies, with some even providing their own economic assistance in the region.

Explore USAID’s Monitoring Country Progress (MCP) System

United with Ukraine: Hope, Progress, and the Challenging Road Ahead

Last updated: November 10, 2016

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