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MK 41 - VLS

The MK 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) is installed aboard United States Navy (USN) surface combatants including Ticonderoga Class Guided Missile Cruisers (CG 47), Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG 51) and multiple allied Navy platforms. MK 41 VLS is capable of launching multiple Standard Missile variants, Tomahawk, Vertical Launch Anti-Submarine Rocket (ASROC) and Evolved SEA SPARROW missiles.
Multiple Warfighting Mission Areas:
Anti-Air Warfare (AAW)
Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)
Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD)
Land Attack/Strike

DDG 51 class (DDG 51-127)
CG 47 class (CG 52-73)
Eleven Allied Nations
MK 41 has been in U.S. Navy service since 1986 with the commissioning of USS Bunker Hill (CG 52) and since that time, a total of 174 systems have been acquired in support of USN CG 47, DDG 51 and DD 963 (now decommissioned) Class ships. In addition, 54 systems have been acquired for allied navies to date. MK 41 VLS has successfully launched over 3,800 missiles with over 99 percent launch success rate since program inception and played a critical role in many operational missions including Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom and operation Odyssey Dawn.
Point Of Contact
Office of Corporate Communication (SEA 00D)
Naval Sea Systems Command
Washington, D.C. 20376
Last Update: 9 May 2016
SM-3 is launched from the VLS aboard USS Lake Erie (CG 70)