Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Meet Our Scientists

Anderson, Eric

Using physics to describe the natural world


Anderson, Eric

A physical scientist at the NOAA-funded Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystem Research, Eric Anderson studies the movement of water in the Great Lakes using high-powered computers.

Barnes, John

Monitoring Particles in the Air


Barnes, John

As a physical scientist and station chief for the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory's Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, John Barnes' specialty is lidar (light detection and ranging), often referred to as laser radar, which he uses to identify and measure particles in the atmosphere.

Bender, Morris

Using Math to Predict Hurricane Tracks


Bender, Morris

A senior researcher at NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) in Princeton, N.J., Morris Bender has been on the hurricane research team at GFDL since 1976, developing highly accurate models for hurricane forecasting and more recently exploring the influence of climate change on hurricane activity. 

Benjamin, Stan

Weather Detective Work Improves Hurricane Forecasting


Benjamin, Stan

A research meteorologist working at the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) in Boulder, CO, Stan Benjamin is the chief of the Assimilation and Modeling Branch in the Global Systems Division within ESRL, where he and his colleagues work on developing and improving weather models, both regional and global.


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