Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Severe Storms

The U. S. Weather Research Program (USWRP)  supports severe storm research by funding the Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) which tests and evaluates forecast and warning techniques of severe and hazardous storm phenomena, including tornado, derecho, and lightning, to save lives and property. At HWT, researchers and forecasters work side-by-side to evaluate emerging research concepts and tools in simulated operational settings. USWRP provides funding to invest in enabling resources such as computer technology to improve model forecasts and visualization, as well as forecast and warning improvement projects.

Numerical Modeling and Analysis

OWAQ supports modeling of severe storms by funding a machine to allow the continuation of real-time 3DVAR analysis and high resolution WRF-model forecasting.  The 3DVAR system uses data from the national WSR-88D radar network and computer models to automatically detect and analyze supercell thunderstorms. This upgrade will provide enhanced performance for both the 3DVAR analysis and WRF modeling, satisfying a core requirement of Experimental Activities.

Advanced Visualization of Model Output   

OWAQ supports advance visualization of numerical model output by funding continued development of the AWIPS-II in support of the Spring Experiments. Also, OWAQ supports the test/evaluation of FACETs related work. FACETs is a new, all-hazard watch/warning paradigm (grid-based, probabilistic threats) redesigned with social/behavioral science infused. New diagnostic tools developed for the HWT could be efficiently transitioned to operations if they were found to be useful.

 Real-Time Data Flow 

OWAQ supports the management of real-time data flow during HWT Experimental Activities (EA). This includes data transmission to/from external partners; creation and management of EA data archives; and development/maintenance of experimental real-time forecast systems, such as the NSSL Mesoscale Ensemble.

 For further information, please visit the HWT website.


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