Wills and Bequests

A bequest is a designation in your will or living trust that provides for a gift to NCLC after your lifetime. It can be arranged as a part of your initial estate planning or with an amendment to existing plans.

A bequest is revocable, meaning that you retain full control over your belongings during your lifetime should you need them. It's flexible—you can name as many charitable beneficiaries as you would like, and specify what each will receive. In addition, your estate is entitled to an estate tax deduction for the full amount of the bequest gift.

You can leave a specific sum of money, piece of property, or a percentage of the remainder of your estate and it can be altered if your circumstances change. There are different kinds of bequest gifts you can make, but the most common gift is to leave all or a portion of what remains from an estate after debts, taxes, expenses, and other bequests have been paid. All assets, including cash, securities, real estate, and tangible personal property, may be transferred to NCLC through your estate.

For more information or if you have already provided for NCLC in your estate plans, please contact Steve Hurley at 617/542-8010, or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..