Congressman Ted Yoho

Representing the 3rd District of Florida
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  • Rep. Ted Yoho urges support for WINGMAN

    Rep. Ted S. Yoho gave a speech on the House floor urging his colleagues to support his bill (HR 5166 WINGMAN). Which later passed with bipartisan support. The bill will grant certified congressional staff access to the files they already have permission to possess, but eliminates the burdensome step of having to use the VA as a middle-man to receive them. Under WINGMAN, advocates would be able to access the status of a pending claim, medical records, comp and pen records, rating decisions, statement of the case, supplementary statement of the case, notice of disagreement, and Form-9 files within a reasonable amount of time, without having to go through a middle-man.
  • We Must Re-Evaluate How CBRA Zones Affect Private Property

    CBRA zones are drawn from the Costal Barrier Resource Act. While these zones are well intended to save portions of our coastline, the arbitrary interpretation of these boundaries can have real world consequences on everyday Americans. Federal bureaucracies shouldn't be allowed to deprive property of its value without due process.
  • 100th Anniversary of the Farm Credit System

    Rep.Ted S.Yoho gave a speech on the House floor commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Federal Farm Loan Act and the creation of the farm credit system.
  • Rep. Yoho working to reduce the size of the federal government

    Rep. Ted S. Yoho offered a common sense amendment to the 2017 Energy and Water Appropriations (H.R. 5055 ) that reduce the size of out-of-control federal departments that continue to grow annually, increasing in both scope and size. His amendment establishes a 5% across the board cut to the Department of Energy’s total employees. In the private sector, business has to find ways to cover costs, they have to make hard decisions, including the elimination of positions that are not essential to overall purpose and mission of the organization. The federal government should be making the same decisions.
  • Bring Back The Legislative Veto

    Rep. Ted Yoho gave a speech on the House floor to talk about restoring the balance of power in our federal government. To accomplish this, Congress should revive the 'legislative veto.' The legislative veto used to be a potent check on the executive branch for the better part of the 20th Century. However, a broad ruling by the United States Supreme Court in 1983 – INS v Chadha - nullified the legislative veto in over 280 statutes. This was a sweeping decision, one that both handed more authority to the executive branch while limiting Congress’s ability to stand up to federal bureaucracies.Rep. Yoho believes it is time to bring balance back to the branches of government, preserve the institution of Law, and the Constitution, which has allowed the United States to flourish like no other country before.

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Jan 14, 2017 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Ted S. Yoho (R-FL-03) released the following statement after being named Vice Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Full Committee by Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA).

Jan 13, 2017 Press Release

Washington, D.C. –Congressman Ted S. Yoho (R-FL) voted in favor of the FY 2017 Budget Resolution. The resolution provides reconciliation instructions to facilitate action on the repeal of Obamacare. The resolution instructs certain authorizing committees to report legislation to their respective Budget Committee by January 27, 2017.

Jan 12, 2017 Press Release

Washington D.C.  Congressman Ted S. Yoho (R-FL-03) re-introduced his pro- veteran bill WINGMAN, with the support of over 150 Members of Congress. This bill streamlines the benefits claims process between the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the constituent advocates processing those claims on behalf of veterans and their families.

Jan 12, 2017 Press Release

Washington, D.C. - On Tuesday, January 17, 2017, Congressman Ted S. Yoho (R-03-FL) will be visiting portions his former congressional district to say thank you to residents and to recap past accomplishments in those areas. Congressman Neal Dunn (R-02-FL) will be joining Congressman Yoho on this area visit.  Locations and times are listed below.    

Jan 11, 2017 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Ted S. Yoho (R-FL-03) has cosponsored the Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act –HR 400.

In The News

Jan 18, 2017 In The News

President-elect Donald Trump has promised to take a fresh view of our trade relations around the world to make certain they are in the interests of American workers.

Jan 10, 2017 In The News

Opening new markets abroad has been a mainstay of U.S. trade policy since WWII. It’s a noble endeavor, but it cannot succeed in isolation in today’s cut-throat international marketplace.

Jan 9, 2017 In The News

In the opening week of the 115th Congress, U.S. Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla., brought out a proposal to make sure members of Congress convicted of felonies while in office are denied their pensions. 

Jan 4, 2017 In The News

As I noted in this same space earlier this year, I have long been skeptical of how U.S.

Dec 21, 2016 In The News

As I noted in this same space earlier this year, I have long been skeptical of how U.S.
