Industrial Partnerships


Fermilab is a fundamental research laboratory with a well-defined mission in particle physics, but it is also an engine of innovation. The technologies developed for particle physics research have applications in numerous other fields, and in spreading these technologies, Fermilab plays multiple roles: customer, supplier, collaborator, facilitator.

Fermilab provides many opportunities for businesses and organizations to partner with the laboratory. Explore those opportunities below.

Office of Partnerships and Technology Transfer


The technology developed for Fermilab's scientific program can lead to important spin-offs. Fermilab has a broad-spectrum program in place to stimulate the transfer of that technology for industry. This program includes the Office of Partnerships and Technology Transfer. Learn more about technology transfer at Fermilab.

Illinois Accelerator Research Center


The Illinois Accelerator Research Center, or IARC, is a new accelerator research facility funded by the state of Illinois and currently being built at Fermilab. At IARC, scientists and engineers from Fermilab, Argonne National Laboratory and Illinois universities will work side by side with industrial partners to research and develop breakthroughs in accelerator science and translate them into applications for the nation's health, wealth and security.

Partnerships with industry and academia will make critical contributions to the technological and economic health of Illinois and place the state in a position to become a world leader in accelerator research, development and industrialization.

Learn more about IARC.

Procurement Department


The Procurement Department is responsible for acquiring goods and services for the entire laboratory. It provides helpful, professional support for all procurement requirements from the development of initial plans and requirements to subcontract closeout. These activities are carried out with a "best value" procurement philosophy.

Contact the Fermilab Procurement Department.