AWE Appoints Three New Board Members

Board-of-Directors-TableThe Alliance for Water Efficiency Board of Directors is excited to announce that three new Directors have been appointed to a 3-year term expiring in 2019: Steve Gombos, Manager of Water Efficiency at the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Ontario; Ben Grumbles, Maryland's Secretary of the Environment; and Maureen Westbrook, Vice President, Customer and Regulatory Affairs at Connecticut Water Company. Click here to learn more about these new Board members, and the expertise and experience they bring to AWE!

AWE Announces Federal Issues Webinar - Register Today!

congressThe Alliance for Water Efficiency will host a webinar entitled, "Water Efficiency in the New 115th Congress" on January 25, 2017 at 11 a.m. CT. Register today to hear AWE's Mary Ann Dickinson and Gene Goldenberg discuss why water efficiency has been an appealing issue for over two decades to both Republican and Democratic administrations. Click here to learn more and to register for this not-to-be-missed webinar.

Join Our Email Mailing List Today!

Join Email ListingThe Alliance for Water Efficiency maintains a mailing list to keep in contact with its members and all those interested in the latest happenings in water conservation. To receive updates on all AWE activities, the efforts of like-minded organizations, and up-to-date news on all things related to water efficiency, click here to sign up for the mailing list.

AWE: About Us

Video CaptureAWE has released a video highlighting our accomplishments, goals, and benefits of membership. Hear from current and former AWE Board members, organizational members, and staff about how we’re working toward our mission of water sustainability for North America. Not an AWE member? Watch the video and find out what you will gain by joining us.

AWE Water Conservation Tracking Tool Version 3.0 Now Available

tracking toolAWE released its much anticipated Version 3.0 of the Water Conservation Tracking Tool.  The Tracking Tool is an Excel-based model that can be used evaluate the water savings, costs, and benefits of conservation programs. The Tracking Tool is available free of charge to AWE members. To learn more and obtain a copy of the Tracking Tool click here

Veronica Blette Wins AWE Water Star Award 

Water Star LogoThe AWE Water Star Award celebrates an "unsung hero" in water efficiency, the water conservation practitioner whose passion, dedication and persistence makes a difference. In the 10th year of EPA WaterSense®, AWE is proud to present the Award to the program's leader, Veronica Blette. Click here to learn more about the Water Star Award, and Veronica's accomplished career.

Water: What You Pay For

water what you pay for logoAWE has released a short video educating customers about the water that they not only love, but need to survive! It describes the water service a typical residential water bill covers, and the costs of delivering a consistent, reliable flow of safe and affordable drinking water to faucets. Customization opportunities are available for AWE members. If interested, please contact Megan Chery. Click here to view the video.

AWE Releases Report on Australia Drought

Australia Drought Report Cover - USPartnering with the Institute for Sustainable Futures and the Pacific Institute, the Alliance for Water Efficiency has released its highly anticipated report Managing Drought: Learning from Australia. The report provides an overview of the key initiatives implemented by Australia's four largest cities during an extended period of extreme drought, and outlines how those measures could help California through its current water crisis. Click here to learn more and to download the full report.

AWE G480 Standard Leaderboard

G480 Leaderboard slideThe Alliance for Water Efficiency is recognizing utilities that have adopted and complied with the voluntary G480 Water Conservation Program Operation and Management Standard. Cobb County Water System is the first utility to appear on the G480 Leaderboard, having achieved Gold Recognition. To learn more about the scoring criteria and how to get your utility on the Leaderboard, click here

AWE Publishes New Edition of its Business Guide

Business-Guide-Cover-(110x142)The Alliance for Water Efficiency just published a new edition of its Business Guide, a complete listing of all our Business & Industry members. This handbook is a great way for utilities, government, and non-profit organizations to find manufacturers and consulting firms that specialize in their specific water needs. To learn more and to download the Guide, click here.  

AWE Publishes Financing Sustainable Water Resources for Water Managers

FSW-Logo-SmrThe Alliance for Water Efficiency has launched Financing Sustainable Water, an initiative created to help water managers build better rate structures that improve revenue stability, yet encourage resource efficiency. Aimed at combatting the common misperception that conservation makes rates rise, the Financing Sustainable Water initiative was designed to provide helpful tools and data to water managers, elected officials, and consumers. Learn more here.