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What is the Environmental Dataset Gateway?

What is EDG?

EDG is a repository of data set records and geospatial tools from EPA and partners.

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Why is it needed?

EDG provides users with a central access point to data sets and geospatial tools that have been created by EPA program offices, regions, and labs.

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What are the benefits?

The EDG provides the following benefits:

  • EDG connects people with resources that support EPA's priorities. Key datasets pertaining to climate change, air quality, and environmental justice are available through EDG.
  • EDG allows users to reuse content to support their mission goals. EDG's REST Web services and Search Widget are two tools organizations can use to link to live data feeds from EDG and embed the content directly into their applications. Maintaining a centralized inventory of data sets and geospatial tools not only saves time and money through reuse of existing resources, but it also promotes consistency across the Agency.
  • EDG streamlines EPA's contributions to external metadata sharing portals. EDG acts as a single source for EPA's contributions to and GOS. The content on these sites is regularly updated through an automated refresh process.
  • EDG supports EPA's Open Government Plan. EDG assists in implementing the principles of transparency, participation, and collaboration by helping EPA identify and publish high-value data sets.

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Who is involved?

EPA's Office of Information Collection in the Office of Environmental Information is the organization responsible for implementation and management of EDG. Important partners include EPA regional data stewards and data system coordinators, EPA program and regional offices, and EPA labs.

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What about metadata support?

Creating metadata has been a challenge for agencies across the US for many years, often due to lack of tools that provide a simple editing interface that meets all requirements. To address this challenge, the EPA developed the EPA Metadata Editor (EME) (, simplifying the process of creating metadata that meets the EPA Geospatial Metadata Technical Specification and Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) requirements.

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