Member Offerings: AWE Tools, Support and Assistance

In addition to the benefits provided as part of membership in the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) network, AWE members also have access to a variety of tools, resources and technical assistance to support their conservation objectives. Access the specific member offerings below to learn about each opportunity and associated fees. 

Household Water Calculator Customization: 

hww picAWE’s Water Calculator is a stand-alone web-based application that is available on AWE’s Home Water Works website.

The Water Calculator can be adapted and customized and installed by water utilities wishing to offer this powerful tool to their own customers. The customized calculator is hosted and maintained by AWE and its contractor Radian Technical Marketing making it quick and easy to implement anywhere on a water utility web site using an iFrame window. Interested? Email Jeffrey Hughes

  • Download the Water Calculator Licensing and Customization Options.
  • Link to July 2014 AWE Webinar on the Water Calculator 

AWE Financing Sustainable Water Workshops & Assistance: 

 FSW Logo-SmAWE has developed a suite of new resources to provide practical information to guide utilities from development through implementation of rate structures that balance revenue management, resource efficiency and fiscal sustainability. At Financing Sustainable Water, water managers will find the following available for download. AWE is offering its members a unique opportunity to access training and technical assistance to support use of the new resources. Utilities must be an AWE member in good standing. Options include:

  • Financing Sustainable Water Workshop for Utility Staff;
  • Technical Assistance with AWE Sales Forecasting and Rate Model Use.  Interested? Email Chelsea Hawkins.
  • Download the AWE Financing Sustainable Water Member Offering.

AWE "Water: What You Pay For" Video Customization:

WWYPF Logo(1)AWE’s “Water: What You Pay For” video is an animated video that seeks to communicate the value of water service and explain why safe drinking water has a cost. It is available for viewing on AWE’s YouTube channel -- A4WE

The “Water: What You Pay For” video can be customized and adapted by AWE members wishing to deliver a more localized message to their customers. Interested? Email Megan Chery.

  • Download the AWE “Water: What You Pay For” Video Customization Options.

AWE Water Conservation Tracking Tool Assistance:

The Alliance for Water Efficiency's Water Conservation Tracking Tool is a frTracking Tool V3 Start Pageee resource available to members that can be used to evaluate the water savings, costs, and benefits of conservation programs. 

AWE provides a detailed user guide with the Tool, as well as one (1) hour of free technical assistance to current members.  Additional technical assistance can be purchased for $150 per hour, or blocks of time can be purchased for a substantially lower cost.  Email Chelsea Hawkins if interested in learning more.

  • Visit the AWE Water Conservation Tracking Tool Page.
  • Read and submit the Tracking Tool Terms of Use if you haven't already.

Never Waste

neverwaste_logo_color_rgb-325x115Never Waste is a national campaign from AWE that aims to raise awareness about the amount of water we waste in our daily lives and encourage consumers to take action to reduce water waste. For members, the campaign can help encourage customers, employees and partners to conserve water with engaging content and user-friendly resources. AWE will work with members to execute an education effort that is customizable and can be tailored to what's happening in local communities.