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Calendar Year 1995

December 1, 1995
Audit Report: IG-0381

Audit of Management and Operating Contractor Overtime Costs

December 1, 1995
Audit Report: IG-0382

Audit of the Department of Energy's Site Safeguards and Security Plans

November 24, 1995
Inspection Report: INS-O-96-02

Selected Concerns Regarding Property Accountability at the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility

October 20, 1995
Audit Report: WR-B-96-04

Audit of Fuel Processing Restoration Property

October 18, 1995
Audit Report: WR-B-96-03

Audit of Construction Management at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

October 11, 1995
Audit Report: IG-0380

Audit of the Department of Energy's Transportation Accident Resistant Container Program

October 6, 1995
Audit Report: WR-B-96-02

Audit of Construction of an Environmental, Safety, and Health Analytical Laboratory at the Pantex Plant

October 2, 1995
Audit Report: WR-B-96-01

Audit of Fire and Emergency Medical Services Cost Sharing Between the Department of Energy and Los Alamos County

September 8, 1995
Audit Report: WR-B-95-08

Audit of Subsidized Ancillary Services at the Nevada Test Site

September 8, 1995
Audit Report: IG-0379

Report on Audit of Bonneville Power Administration's Energy Resource Programs

August 29, 1995
Inspection Report: IG-0378

Report on Follow-up Inspection of the Double Funding of Security for Special Nuclear Material at Richland Operations

August 3, 1995
Inspection Report: IG-0377

Inspection of Westinghouse Savannah River Company Fees for Managing and Operating the Savannah River Site

August 3, 1995
Audit Report: ER-B-95-06

Audit of Work Force Restructuring at the Oak Ridge Operations Office

August 2, 1995
Audit Report: IG-0376

Audit of Program Administration by the Office of Energy Research

July 31, 1995
Audit Report: AP-B-95-02

Audit of Selected Aspects of the Unclassified Computer Security Program at a DOE Headquarters Computing Facility

July 26, 1995
Inspection Report: INS-9502

Report on Inspection of Analytical Laboratories Oversight at the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

July 14, 1995
Audit Report: ER-B-95-05

Audit of Acquisition of Scientific Research at Ames Laboratory

June 30, 1995
Audit Report: CR-B-95-06

Audit of Department of Energy Support Service Contracting

June 26, 1995
Audit Report: ER-B-95-04

Audit of the Replacement High Level Waste Evaporator at Savannah River

June 20, 1995
Audit Report: WR-B-05-07

Consultant Subcontracting at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

June 20, 1995
Audit Report: IG-0375

Audit of the Department of Energy's Management of Precious Metals

June 20, 1995
Audit Report: IG-0374

Audit of the DOE's Commercial Laboratory Quality Assurance Evaluation Program

May 19, 1995
Audit Report: IG-0373

Audit of Administration of Cooperative Research and Development Agreements at DOE National Laboratories

May 9, 1995
Inspection Report: IG-0372

Inspection of Power Purchase Contracts at the Western Area Power Administration

May 5, 1995
Audit Report: WR-B-95-06

Audit of Construction of Protective Force Training Facilities at the Pantex Plant