Workforce Development Agency

  • WDAThe Workforce Development Agency's (WDA) vision is to promote a flexible, innovative, and effective workforce system within the State of Michigan. To accomplish this, the WDA supports a demand driven workforce system, assists the structurally unemployed with financial independence, advocates for the integration of workforce development into the K-12 school system, and supports the alignment of workforce development with economic development efforts.
  • link to Pure Michigan Talent Connect, Your launch pad for new jobs, careers, and talent

What's New

  • Michigan Labor Market Information Fast Facts Your source for recent employment trends, wages, detailed industries, and jobs in demand.
  • Skilled Trades Training Fund (STTF) While Michigan’s economy continues to gain momentum, there is still a challenge for companies to find talent with the skills they need.  To address this issue, the Governor recommended, and the Legislature supported, the creation of the Skilled Trades Training Fund (STTF) in October of 2013.  Now in its third year, the STTF continues to focus on assisting companies in meeting their talent challenges.