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Shoreline Protection

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 DESCRIPTION: Hashamomuck Cove is located on the north (Long Island Sound) shore of the north fork of Long Island. This area includes Southold Town Beach Cove, Hashamomuck Cove, and Pebble Beach Cove. This area includes several businesses and private homes and is subject to substantial overwashing and erosion during coastal storms. Additionally, County Road 48 may be subject to undermining. The Study is focused primarily on reducing coastal storm and erosion risks to critical infrastructure, including County Road 48 and utilities along its corridor, and other nearby structures. The study will look to reduce risk of failure or disruption along Route 48,

House of Representatives, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Resolution, Docket Number 2773.

STATUS: The District initiated the Reconnaissance Phase in July 2007. Reconnaissance report was completed in July 2008 and was approved by NAD in September 2008. This report defines the problems, needs, and opportunities for the study area and demonstrates federal interest. The District executed a Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement (FCSA) with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in December 2012 for a the feasibility study to examine potential alternatives that will reduce the risk of damage to the shoreline and private/public structures including County Road 48. After the Sandy storm event and the passage of P.L. 113-2, a new FCSA was signed in March 2014 and acknowledges that the study will be completed at 100% Federal cost. Coastal storm risk management alternatives and the Hurricane Sandy Draft Feasibility Report was released to the public in the fall of 2016 for comment and review.


Daniel Falt,

Project Manager
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
Phone: (917) 790-8614, Fax: (212) 264-2924

Programs Programs and Project Management Division
Coastal Restoration Branch
26 Federal Plaza, Room 2134
New York, NY 10278-0090



Current as of September 2016