Improving the Performance of the Transportation Industry Through Training

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New and Updated Courses

380120 Introducing Human Factors in Roadway Design and Operations

New Course
Program Area: Highway Safety
Delivery Type: Instructor-Led Training
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135041 One-Dimensional Modeling of River Encroachments with HEC-RAS

New Course
Program Area: Hydraulics
Delivery Type: Instructor-Led Training
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135092: Highway Hydrology: Basic Concepts and Methods Web-Based

New Course
Program Area: Hydraulics
Delivery Type: Web Based Training
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131140: Hot In-place Recycling

New Course
Program Area: Pavements and Materials
Delivery Type: Web Based Training
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131142: Full Depth Reclamation (FDR)

New Course
Program Area: Pavements and Materials
Delivery Type: Web Based Training
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131126: Concrete Pavement Preservation Series (Includes NHI-131126A-K)

New Course
Program Area: Pavements and Materials
Delivery Type: Web Based Training
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130105A: Introduction to FRP Materials and Applications for Concrete Structures

New Course
Program Area: Structures
Delivery Type: Web Based Training
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130105B: Construction Procedures and Specifications for Bonded Repair and Retrofit of Concrete Structures

New Course
Program Area: Structures
Delivery Type: Web Based Training
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130105C: Quality Control of Repair and Retrofit of Concrete Structures Using FRP Composites

New Course
Program Area: Structures
Delivery Type: Web Based Training
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138004: MAP-21 Transportation Performance Management Overview (Including FAST Act Updates)

New Course
Program Area: Transportation Performance Management
Delivery Type: Instructor-Led Training
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151056: Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS): Concepts, Data Collection and Reporting Requirements

New Course
Program Area: Transportation Management
Delivery Type: Instructor-Led Training
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What's New at NHI

Pay for NHI Training Using

Training participants who choose the "pay later" option at check-out can make payments using, now linked from NHI's homepage.
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Collaborate Regionally on Workforce Development

The Maintenance Leadership Academy (MLA) is a thorough, rigorous, and highly-praised instructional event delivering comprehensive training to maintenance personnel around the country.
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Participant Refund Policy

Participants making last minute cancellations should be aware of NHI's refund policy.
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