CIRA Objectives

The Institute's research is concentrated in several Research Theme areas that include 1) satellite algorithm development, training and education; 2) regional- to global-scale modeling; 3) data assimilation; 4) climate-weather processes; and 5) data distribution. As referenced above, cross-cutting themes include research in societal impacts of NOAA research, and promoting environmental literacy and outreach to K-12 and the general public. In addition to CIRA's relationship with NOAA, the National Park Service also has an ongoing collaboration in air quality and visibility research that involves scientists from numerous disciplines, and the Center for Geosciences / Atmospheric Research based at CIRA is a long-term program sponsored by the Department of Defense. We have identified core-element Objectives in each of our theme areas of research, information/technology infrastructure, and personnel capital. Under each Objective are specific topics of emphasis and these topics are expanded on in detail in the Project Description section of the CI proposal.

Research Theme I: Satellite Algorithm Development, Training, and Education
  • Objective 1: Develop algorithms for current satellite observing systems — design practical applications of satellite remote sensing for the analysis of current environmental conditions through physically-based multi-spectral/sensor and mode fusion techniques. Topics of emphasis include:
    • GOES-oriented applications for Tropical Cyclones, Severe Weather, Winter Weather, and Conditional Cloud Climatology.
    • Hydrometeorology-oriented satellite algorithm development for TPW, Cloud Properties, Precipitation, and Soil Moisture.
    • Multi-sensor satellite applications for Cloud Profiling, Wind Retrievals, Dust Detection, General Imagery, and Intra-Satellite Calibration Techniques.
  • Objective 2: Develop algorithms for future satellite observing systems — improve environmental data records and conduct pre-launch research based on simulated/heritage observing systems to increase 'first light' operational utility. Topics of emphasis include:
    • GOES-R Risk Reduction applications in Severe Weather, Tropical Cyclones, Winter Weather, and Aviation Hazards, Cloud Properties, and General Imagery.
    • GOES-R Algorithm Working Group coordination and development.
    • Participation in the Satellite Algorithm Testbed.
    • Application development for future sensors in soil moisture, atmospheric carbon, and nighttime low-light imagery.
    • NPOESS Risk Reduction through support of the NexSat program application development and near real-time product demonstrations.
  • Objective 3: Bridge gaps between research and operations — participate in NOAA programs to transfer the results of research and algorithm development work into the hands of users, and demonstrate capabilities in an operational setting and context. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Support of the PSDI program in transitioning operationally-relevant applications for MCS potential, Tropical Cyclone Surface Winds, and Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation, and support of NOAA Science Check-Out Tests.
    • Support of the GOES-R Satellite Proving Ground activity which provides a vehicle for direct interaction with forecasters using next-generation satellite applications.
    • Support of the Joint Hurricane Testbed for improving model and observationally-based track and intensity forecasts.
  • Objective 4: Develop satellite education and training applications for operational users — design and implement operationally-focused education and training materials based on interactive, distance learning tools and techniques. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Coordinate with NESDIS on the development of software and technical content for the VISIT distance-learning program.
    • Development of satellite-focused training materials via the SHyMet program.
    • Participate in international user training in cooperation with the WMO via the RMTCoE program.
Research Theme II: Regional- to Global-Scale Modeling
  • Objective 1: Coupled modeling of the Earth System — develop new geodesic grid models to improve code economy, coverage uniformity, scale flexibility and parameter conservation. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Development/enhancement and implementation of the FIM model for research and operational support.
    • Create software foundation for NIM model to enable studies of MJO, ENSO, and impacts of climate change on regional weather patterns.
  • Objective 2: Modeling of aerosol/cloud interactions — examine cloud-scale feedback processes between aerosol, cloud, and precipitation using high spatial/temporal resolution models to improve physical understanding and coarse-scale parameterizations for weather and climate prediction models. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Model/observational studies of the aerosol indirect effect on cloud radiative forcing.
    • Examine scale dependency of cloud microphysical responses to aerosol perturbations in the context of entrainment and turbulent mixing.
    • Examine Arctic cloud precipitation and its role in dehydration of the troposphere and scavenging of aerosol.
  • Objective 3: Clouds, moist convection, and hydrology — support NOAA's hydrometeorology program through model/application development, analysis, and real-time support. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Evaluation of the WRF-ARW in orographic rain conditions.
    • Support the NOAA Hydrometeorology Testbed (HMT) program via ensemble modeling studies.
    • Use of NOAA Hydrometeorology Testbed data to develop satellite/NWP-coupled applications for coastal land-falling storms.
  • Objective 4: Land surface modeling and hydrology — improve the coupling between high resolution land/atmosphere models to gain insight on feedbacks and improve coarse-scale parameterizations for weather and climate prediction models. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Develop, enhance, and couple high resolution modeling tools (e.g., MicroMet, SnowModel, RAMS and SiBCASA) to improve representation of hydrologic and carbon cycle processes.
    • Combine models to simulate all components of the hydrologic cycle in development of a 'drought index' for potential support of the NIDIS program.
Research Theme III: Data Assimilation (D/A)
  • Objective 1: Carbon cycle assimilation — develop tools for assimilating satellite observations of global atmospheric carbon, coupled to numerical models to improve our understanding of carbon sources/sinks Topics of emphasis include:
    • Development of 4D-VAR, MLEF tools for assimilation of OCO and GOSAT data and determination sources/sinks of atmospheric carbon in support of the NOAA CarbonTracker Team.
    • Improve the prognostic treatment of atmospheric carbon in numerical models via Langrangian Particle Dispersion Modeling, and developing a framework for coupling carbon process and transport models.
  • Objective 2: Water cycle assimilation — improve our understanding of atmospheric and surface branches of the water cycle through assimilation of satellite-retrieved moisture parameters. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Ensemble D/A for improving coupled atmospheric-hydrological forecasts via MLEF in collaboration with NOAA/OHD and NCEP.
    • Use of hybrid log-normal/Gaussian distributions for more realistic treatement atmospheric moisture parameters in D/A.
    • Improvements to microwave land surface emissivity databases.
    • Preparations for assimilation of NPOESS/MIS for soil moisture.
    • Identify new ways to assimilate AMSR-E/MODIS observations of snow water equivalent and snow cover into high resolution land-atmosphere models.
  • Objective 3: Air quality assimilation — improve assimilation of chemistry and aerosol within NWP models. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Aerosol and chemical assimilation into WRF/Chem and the Global FIM.
    • Introduce Ensemble Kalman filtering techniques to the Data Assimilation Research Testbed and apply to WRF/Chem.
  • Objective 4: Applications of assimilation to model analysis and verification — using ensemble methods to validate global cloud resolving models in introduce new observations to NWP models. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Technical improvements and verification for LAPS to accommodate observations from new satellite and sonde information.
    • Multi-scale D/A and model verification via the Multiscale Modeling Framework to examine clouds/precipitation in weather and climate.
  • Objective 5: Applications of assimilation to observing system assessment: preparing for the assimilation of new satellite observations of soil moisture, atmospheric carbon and precipitation, and the optimal use of UAS for weather analyses. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Maximize information content from GOES-R and GPM observations via ensemble-based methods and forecast error covariance weighting.
    • Further development of information content analysis algorithms for application to future satellite observing systems in coordination with JCSDA.
    • Numerical modeling and OSSE-based analysis to determine optimal UAS routing in data-sparse regions for improved weather forecasting.
Research Theme IV: Climate-Weather Processes
  • Objective 1: Study the influences of atmospheric moist processes on weather/climate: use of global observations to better understand and represent moist processes (e.g., water vapor and cloud/precipitation related feedbacks) in models. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Apply the rainfall retrieval algorithm developed for GPM to SSM/I microwave data to provide a long-term, quality-controlled data record.
    • Build on SSM/I rainfall data record to conduct research on the characteristics of extratropical precipitation, precipitation incidence/intensity, and weather/climate processes related to precipitation formation and distribution.
    • Cloud/climate feedback changes as a function of climate change, through contributions of CloudSat/CALIPSO research and analysis tools.
  • Objective 2: Study the influences of surface-atmosphere interactions on weather/climate: research on surface hydrological processes (e.g., soil moisture, snow, and runoff) to understand effects of land surface processes on the carbon budget and on weather and climate. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Improve soil moisture retrieval algorithms through couple observation/model systems and investigate importance of resolving surface heterogeneity.
    • Quantify the affect of snow cover on atmospheric circulation patterns (and teleconnections), hydrology, biogeochemical cycling, and growing seasons.
    • Study the consequences of land cover and land use changes to regional climate variability and impact to regional ecosystems and hydrologic systems.
  • Objective 3: Understand the roles of atmospheric aerosol in climate forcing: use global measurements of greenhouse gases and aerosol direct/indirect forcing coupled with cloud models. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Study of aerosol direct radiative forcing, examination of the critical reflectance approach from satellite observations.
    • Study of aerosol indirect forcing on cloud microphysics.
    • Study of aerosol indirect forcing on precipitation processes.
  • Objective 4: Conduct climate data collection, stewardship, and research: support, construct, and analyze satellite-based long-term global climate data records (e.g., cloud, precipitation, water vapor) to support NOAA's Science Data Stewardship program. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Produce fundamental climate data records of AMSU-B and SSM/T2 radiances, and use these data to develop a thematic climate data record for upper tropospheric humidity.
    • Develop satellite microwave and GPS water vapor climate data records.
    • Leverage the Colorado Climate Center for interfaces with NOAA hydrometeorology activities and the NIDIS program.
  • Objective 5: Conduct carbon cycle research: use of coupled models to understand regional-scale carbon variations and effects of biospheric processes, in connection with OCO measurements and carbon cycle research at ESRL. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Examine the distribution of atmospheric carbon in connection with weather and climate patterns.
    • Couple surface/biosphere and atmospheric models to study exchanges of energy, water, and carbon dioxide to assist in carbon source/sink research.
    • Explore the utility of new UAS-based miniaturized sensors for measurement of atmospheric carbon and water vapor isotopes.
Research Theme V: Data Distribution
  • Objective 1: Provide innovations in data access, throughput, and processing: develop the necessary tools and infrastructure to enable researchers to make optimal use of NOAA datasets. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Supporting the NOAA Modeling portal as a basis for automated/interactive access to local and remote datasets via web services.
    • Support the NOAA/ESRL meteorological assimilation data ingest system (MADIS), and transition it into operational use at NCEP and NWS.
    • Provide innovative and cost effective satellite Earthstation strategies and hardware solutions for operational NOAA ground system development/leveraging.
    • Expand the capacity and applicability of the Data Processing Center to accommodate potential Decadal Survey satellite missions.
  • Objective 2: Develop tools for data display and interaction: provide powerful, user-friendly interfaces and workstations for research and operational use of NOAA datasets. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Development/implementation of next-generation AWIPS systems for the NWS.
    • Enhance and refine collaborative workstations used by NOAA and DHS operational centers.
    • Develop AutoNowcaster tools with AIPS for forecaster support.
    • Augment D2D display software and design new user interfaces.
  • Objective 3: Develop tools and techniques for operational decision support: supporting data integration, management, and processing for validation of NOAA operational programs. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Develop concepts and systems for verification services in support of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen).
    • Support point-to-multipoint network access for the NextGen community.
    • Support Aviation Weather via OGC web services, leveraging GeoServer.
    • Enhance capabilities of FX-Net 'thin client' capabilities to enable rapid display and interaction with data from remote sites.
    • Support debris flow forecasting research through gathering of real-time rainfall data feeds from ground stations and radar-estimates.
Societal and Economic Impacts
  • Objective 1: Build and bridge CI activities with the intellectual resources for socio/economic research at CSU (faculty).
  • Objective 2: Pursue selected socio/economic topics mapping notionally to CI research themes.
    • Examine utility of Rapid Loss Assessment Tools in weather-impact studies.
    • Assessment of emergency manager response to NOAA guidance and processes involved in the communication of weather hazards to the public.
    • Examine fresh water resource management and potential changes in response to climate change.
    • Explore linkages between weather/climate and ecosystem response leading to emergence of vector-borne infectious diseases.
    • Participation in Weather and Society Integrated Studies (WAS*IS) activities.
Education, Training, and Outreach
  • Objective 1: Ensure integration of graduate students and Postdocs within CI research activities to promote NOAA capacity building. Topics of emphasis include:
    • Management of the NESDIS Postdoc program in Camp Spring, MD.
    • Support of Postdocs at Ft. Collins and ESRL facilities.
    • Sharing of graduate students and Postdocs with CSU faculty involved with CI projects.
  • Objective 2: Improve science literacy and educational outreach for K-12 school students Topics of emphasis include:
    • Leadership and management of the GLOBE Program.
    • Support of the CloudSat Education Network.
    • Support of the Colorado Climate Center's collaboration with the Poudre School District to promote Colorado weather/water awareness in K-12.
    • School visits and field trips to the CI.
  • Objective 3: Improve science literacy and educational outreach for the general public Topics of emphasis include:
    • Technical development and content generation for the Science on a Sphere (SoS®) project.
    • Leveraging of GeoBrowsers (e.g., Google Earth) for education and outreach.
    • Support of the CoCoRaHS precipitation measurement project.
  • Objective 1: Maintain adequate bandwidth for transmission of large satellite/model datasets: coordinate with University computer engineering staff to ensure up-to-date technology and ensure connection speeds commensurate with current/forecasted throughput requirements).
  • Objective 2: Maintain adequate office/laboratory space for staffing and special projects: strategic planning in conjunction with the University for the construction of adequate space, cooling, power for support of CI projects.
  • Objective 3: Maintain hardware upgrades, software licenses, etc. to ensure productivity: cooperate with University on shared licenses, leverage Earthstation and Data Processing Center developed technology innovations, and plan for future technology requirements.
Personnel Capital
  • Objective 1: Improve the recognition and long-term career aspirations of CIRA employees through implementation of awards and promotion programs. Emphasize peer reviewed journal publications as a path to advancement.
  • Objective 2: Maintain a Post Doctoral research program that will inject human capital into NOAA's organizational (research) future.
  • Objective 3: Assist in diversity assurance by participating in NOAA's career track pipeline and assisting non-U.S. citizens with visa applications, etc., to make opportunities available to a diverse workforce.