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@nicksergeant Go to Henrietta - $1.71 there at Kwik Fill by Marketplace Mall.
@heathershae Want to come do some maintenance at our place?
Nifty iPod ad - - watch the page dance!
@MissW Funny definition of 'win' you're using there
@AmazingSyco Holy crap, I didn't realise Ambrosia was in Rochester! Awesome! Maelstrom was one of my fav games as a kid.
Try as I might, I can't make myself replace 'are' with 'r' or 'you' with 'u' in tweets. Just can't.
Hey, @exploder98 - can we add this right above the user comments section in our article template?
Sad to discover that @wegmans is a fake.
@exploder98 I use NetNewsWire. Syncs across my home Mac, work Mac, and iPhone, and has a web interface for when I'm somewhere without all 3.
@gedeon Who says you need a full page colour ad in Macworld, though? Google Ads, DF sponsorship, TUAW ad, etc. much cheaper.
What a great final episode. Farewell, Denny Crane and Alan Shore.
Heh, love Boston Legal's wonky humour. Clarence Thomas just got mocked for being silent in SCOTUS. Impersonators are pretty dead on, too.
Time to watch the last Boston Legal. Bittersweet.
@methodtweet Doesn't seem to be available at the Pittsford or Marketplace @wegmans stores in Rochester, NY. We have to go to Target for it.
Holy crap, the balsamic vinegar I ordered from @woot is *amazing*. Best I've ever had.
@methodtweet Any chance you can get @wegmans to carry your laundry detergents? :-)
@qrush Ugh, why is there always That Guy in a CS course?
@drzonca We got pretty good ones out of FedEx Kinkos.
For the record, I'm a) glad Cao won and b) sad Jefferson got as many votes as he did. Corrupt politicians must go, Republican or Democrat.


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