Resource Library

Library 2Welcome to the Alliance for Water Efficiency's Resource Library.  AWE strives to provide the best on-line resources on water conservation and efficiency.  Search through our collection and discover the wealth of useful, technical information assembled.  Enter keyword(s) in the search box below or select an library section from the list on the right. Search instructions and tips are available here. 

Resource Library Search Tool

Use the tool below to search the Alliance for Water Efficiency library:


Definition of Terms

Looking for a quick definition of a water or conservation related term or concept? The AWE Glossary has an extensive list of the most commonly used terms in the biz.

AWE Glossary of Common Water Related Terms, Abbreviations, and Definitions 

Help Us Improve the AWE Resource Library

Please send us your ideas for improving the resource library! Let us know what is missing, what needs to be corrected or updated, and what you would like to see. Help the Alliance for Water Efficiency to improve the best water efficiency resource on the web! Please contact us with your suggestions. Thank you.

Your Support Makes this Resource Library Possible

PLEASE NOTE: The information provided in the Resource Library is currently available free of charge. At some point in the future it will be restricted to members of the Alliance for Water Efficiency. For membership information on how to join the Alliance, please click here

The AWE Resource Library was developed with funding and support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. USEPA Logo