Water Efficiency Watch

Alliance for Water Efficiency

Water Efficiency Watch is the electronic newsletter publication from the Alliance for Water Efficiency.  Each issue contains a collection of the lastest information of water efficiency and conservation from the US, Canada, and around the globe.  Water Efficiency Watch is edited by Peter Mayer

Archived Issues of Water Efficiency Watch

16-6 #67 WEW December 2016 - Veronica Blette Wins 2016 AWE Water Star Award, Updated Conservation Tracking Tool Released, Water Efficiency TV: AWE YouTube Channel, Member Highlight:  Arizona Municipal Water Users Association and AWE Promote Building Better Water Rates in Arizona, AWE Program Manager, Bill Christiansen, Steps Down, and much more. 

16-5 #66 WEW October 2016 - Senate votes to authorize WaterSense, WSI Preview, AWE keynote speaker, AWE meetings and events, Paul Brown to keynote WSI, Higgins to retire from PMI, Legionella, John Fleck's new book on the Colorado River, and much more.

16-4 #65 WEW July 2016 - Celebrating 10 years of WaterSense, California drought persists into 5th year, Waukesha Diversion approved, AWE Spotlight - Region of York, Paul Brown to offer Keynote at WSI 2016, Texas Water Conservation Scorecard Released, WSO/Cavanaugh Team to Lead California Water Loss Effort, CDC legionella guidance, and much more.

16-3 #64 WEW May 2016 - WaterSense legislation passes house and senate, Residential End Uses of Water, Version 2 released, Lower Colorado River negotiations, PERC 2.1 study, California drought continues despite El Nino, water efficiency grant opportunities, AWWA issues water loss challenge, Colorado legislative update, and much more.

16-2 #63 WEW March 2016 - AWE and SFPUC win Imagine H2O Challenge, Australian drought experience report released, AWE releases white paper on national indoor plumbing regulations, AWE supports legislation making water efficient rebates tax exempt, a new report on graywater and stormwater as a backup water source, and much more.

16-1-#62 WEW January 2016 - AWE co-chairs White House forum, 2015 was hottest year on record, New AWE Board members appointed, California approves $3.2 million for water loss control, John Koeller win IAPMO award, new EPA flushometer specification and much more. 

15-6 #61 WEW December 2015 - Year in review - Top water stories of 2015, AWE seeks support for HB3720, Tax exempt status for water efficiency rebates,  Auditor questions cost-effectiveness of LA turf removal,  EPA WaterSense to move forward with labeling of pressure regulating sprinkler bodies, AWE lauches G480 leaderboard, and much more.

15-5 #60 WEW November 2015 (link not available) - Fiona Sanchez wins 2015 Water Star honor, California passes water loss legislation, WSI 2015 tops 1,000 participants, PERC 2.0 drainline carry study confirms key findings, AWE Spotlight on Ceres, and much more.

15-4 #59 WEW August 2015 - Demand hardening study released, AWE value of water video, Richter to speak at AWE annual meeting, Schedule of AWE meetings and events at WSI, Drought report, California to reduce showerhead flow rates, Flash drought in the South, MWD exhausts rebate supply, El Nino, and much more.

15-3 #58 WEW June 2015 (link not available) - MWD ups budget to $450 millions for conservation, Presidents signs water and energy legislation, CH2M wins Stockholm Water Prize, CEC approves emergency fixture rules, Texas film contest, AWE member spotlight on Region of Waterloo and Water Management, Inc, and much more. 

15-2 #57 WEW April 2015 - California drought crisis deepens, Colorado River basin drought update, RESNET to rate homes on water efficiency, AWE's sprinkler spruce up, Financing Sustainable Water Update, IWA conference preview, Bend Oregon, AQUA-RIMAT, and much more.

15-1 #56 WEW February 2015 - California drought and demand reductions, AWE Outdoor Savings Phase 1, AWE Net Blue Initiative, AWWA conservation issue, Texas drought knowledge, WaterSense product specifications, IWA conference registration, 2015 US water prize awarded, Mehan to lead US water alliance, Austin offers condensate rebates, and much more.

14-8 #55 WEW December 2014 - AWE seeks matching donations for $50,000 grand, Dickinson appointed to GBI board, January water rates workshops, MWD ups rebates, 2014 year in review, Congress passes world water act, WaterSense issues draft specification for commercial flushometer valve toilets, and much more

14-7 #54 WEW November 2014 - USGS Finds 13% reduction from 2005-2013, IWA conference, Amy Vickers is 2014 Water Star, WSI 2014 wrap up, EPA WaterSense Partners of the Year, Upcoming AWE webinars, California agrees not to tax rebates, Los Angeles tries for 20% reduction, NYC hotel challenge, clothes washer debate, bent grass DNA and much more.

14-6 #53 WEW October 2014 - Financing Sustainable Water initiative launched, Texas workshops, Water Smart Innovation 2014 preview, Water loss workshops, green building agreement, California drought update, California considers submetering again, US Supreme Court asked not to rule yet on FL - GA water war, San Antonio considers $3 billion new supply, and much more.

14-5 #52 WEW August 2014 - AWE Releases White Paper on Financial Instruments to Manage Weather-Related Risk, Toilet Politics - U.S. House Blocks Federal Funding for Efficient Toilets, Drought Updates,  California Issues State-Wide Drought Regulations, AWE Cited, Critical Drainline Carry Study Proceeds with Funding in Place, WaterSense Releases Updated Professional Certification Labeling System, IAPMO, Plumbing Industry Coalition Support Energy Efficiency Legislation and much more.

14-4 #51 WEW June 2014 - AWE issues letter in support of water legislation, Revolving fund law includes water efficiency provisions, Colorado governor signs WaterSense legislation, WaterSense issues NOI to label sprinkler nozzles, WaterSense issues revised toilet specification, Dallas wins national conservation challenge, 2014 Never Waste campaign, and much more.

14-3 #50 WEW May 2014 - AWE awarded US Water Prize, Kelly Kopp succeeds Carole Baker as AWE Chair, AWE exemplary program webinar set for May 6, Colorado legislature approves WatersSense legislation, Irrigation BMPs released, SWAT check valve testing protocol released, California and Texas drought update, and much more.

14-2 #49 WEW March 2014 - National and state conservation legislative update, California drought worse in 20 years, upcoming AWE webinars, DOE issues NOI for commercial clothes washers, WaterSense launches hotel efficiency challenge, Colorado begins annual data reporting, AWE participates in Inspiring Solutions, and much more.

14-1 #48 WEW January 2014 - AWE win US Water Prize, Drought in California,  Water sustainable city report, Trouble with Texas conservation funding, Group seeks to add hot water insulation to plumbing code, guidebook for adapting water policies for the West released, USGS vows to update US water data, Colorado WaterSense toilet legislation advances, and much more.

13-8 #47 WEW - December 2013 - Conservation limits rate increases for Colorado utility, Conservation planning best practices guide, NYC teams with hotels for efficiency, California water supply outlook, the case for fixing leaks, Texas voters approve historic water funding, AWE accepted into US Water Partnership, Rainwater catchment standard approved, New EPA report focuses of economic importance of water, and much more.

13-7 #46 WEW - November 2013 - AWE Water Star award winner - Doug Bennett, WaterSense Partner of the Year awards, WSI wrap-up, Rapid response to anti-EPAct legislation, Water-energy report, WaterSense professional certification, DOE plumbing product test procedures, water systems deteriorating despite rate increases, Florida sues Georgia over water use, eSmart guide to a WaterSmart lifestyle, and much more.

13-6 #45 WEW - September 2013 - Colorado River water crisis, AWE expands conservation and rates work, New G480 water conservation program standard, Water calculator 2.0, WaterSense prepares to label flushometer toilets, Plumbing Efficiency Research Committee releases phase 2 work plan, Ventura pairs AWE Never Waste campaign with film competition, AWE announces meeting schedule for Water Smart Innovations, and much more.

13-5 #44 WEW - July 2013 - AWE/ACEEE water and energy report, AWE to train Canadian plumbers, Connecticut legislation supports conservation-oriented rates, New Mexico and Texas battle for water, Colorado hopes to protect agriculture with new water plan, DOE schedule public meeting on plumbing product test procedures, 2013 drought update, Excellence in Building Conference, and much more.

 13-4 #43 WEW - May 2013 - AWE promotes legislation to make rebates tax exempt, Water meter accuracy, California snowpack just 17% of normal, Colorado snowpack shows improvement, Drought impacts NM chile farmers, Texas water bill withdrawn for now, Southern California utilities plan to reduce water imports, the Colorado and Flint rivers named "most endangered", and much more.

 13-3 #42 WEW - March 2013 - Never Waste campaign launches, National mayor's challenge, California drought, Texas conservation legislation, US ET mapping, Infrastructure costs, a decade of MaP testing, Minnesota lake levels, Great Lakes water levels, Al Dietemann retires, conservation videos, Australia water user survey, and much more.

13-2 #41 WEW - February 2013 - Never Waste campaign coming March 1, AWE & ACEEE honor exceptional water and energy programs, AWE's state scorecard stokes the fire, Texas legislature water session, WRI's new Aqueduct site maps global water risks, Pacific Institue and AWE release "Need to Know" water rate series, dual flush behavior study results, and much more.

13-1 #40 WEW - January 2013 - Industrial conservation report, Declining demand and revenue summit report, Colorado River Basin Study, EPA water and climate report, GAO urges cooperation on water resources, upcoming conferences, and much more.

12-7 #39 WEW - November 2012 - Never Waste campign coming soon, Water Star 2012: Karen Guz, AWE wins excellence award for strategic partnership, preliminary results from lastest residential end use study, drainline carry study results, WaterSmart Innovation 2012 review, WaterSense update, and much more.

12-6 #38 WEW - September 2012 - AWE releases final state water efficiency scorecard, EPA releases final WaterSense New Home specificiation, AWE events at WaterSmart Innovations 2012, Caltech wins Gates toilet challenge, Californians to vote on Hetch Hetchy, Canada considers building codes with water efficiency, Guelph launches water efficient new home program, climate change, and much more.

12-5 #37 WEW - August 2012 - AWE celebrates 5th anniversary, AWE testifies in US Senate, Showerhead backtrack falters, climate change, Colorado River 90 x 20 campaign, Drought impacts 62% of US, California water rate workshops, Quebec water efficiency strategy, and much more.

12-4 #36 WEW - June 2012 - House blocks DOE showerhead enforcement, Dickinson wins RIPPLE award, DOE updates efficiency standards, Quebec partners with WaterSense, Water-energy award nominations sought, Study finds new homes use less water in Tucson, DOE proposes testing rules, Rio +20, and much more.

12-3 #35 WEW - May 2012 - State conservation scorecard report released, Crackdown on inefficieny imported fixtures, Albuquerque hits conservation target early, AWE hosts water loss webinar, Arizona anti-sustainability law nearly passes, Last Call at the Oasis released, AWE releases business member guide, Drought updates from US and UK, and much more.

12-2 #34 WEW - March 2012 - LEED 2012 ratings, the 2012 Obama budget, Texas groundwater rules, Infrastructure needs, Fix a Leak Week, Mayor's conservation challenge, Water footprinting standard, Wisconsin may mandate water loss control, Lake Lanier dispute to the Supreme Court, Climate ready water utilities initiative, and much more. 

12-1 #33 WEW - February 2012 - Home Water Works launched, US drought update, DOE misses water in ice makers, WaterSense news, Intelligent Use of Water Awards, Vision 2020, Florida graywater, certification of landscapers, proposed landscape standard, new USDA climate map, and much more.

11-8 #32 WEW - December 2011 - Congress talks water infrastructure, Colorado river flow, California rainwater veto, Texas conservation bonds lose, WaterSense labels smart controllers, British shower study, California fixture disclosure law, Great Lakes energy-water nexus, Mortgage underwriting, drainline carry research, IGCC finalized, and much more.

11-7 #31 WEW - November 2011 - Water Smart Innovation conference wrap-up, Georgia water loss control, irrigation standards, smart irrigation control research, Barnett's Blue Revolution, Water loss compiler, Midwest water table drops, Flaming Gorge pipeline, IAPMO and PMI team up, Australian drought, Australian water use research, and much more.

11-6 #30 WEW - September 2011 - AWE at the United Nations, Hottest summer on record, DOE waives showerhead rule, Colorado considers HETs, Studdard brings start power to WaterSense banquet, AWE news, Oregon approves graywater rules, WRF water meter study finds big differences by meter type, Lawsuit against USGBC dismissed, and much more.

11-5 #29 WEW - August 2011 - AWE Conserrvation Tracking Tool, Drought in Texas, WaterSense in Canada, New End Use Studies Released, Brown vetoes artificial turf, AWE on new leakage study team, Whither Florida?, NRDC climate change report, virtual water, and much more.

11-4 #28 WEW - June 2011 - Energy/Water Action Blueprint, 2011 water efficiency legislation, volumetric billing for wastewater, wastewater costs, western states' climate risks, residential end use study to be updated, greenhouse gas workshops, new clothes washer efficiency tiers, and much more.

11-3 #27 WEW - May 2011 - New home study finds savings, SF sewer stink, Texas and Louisiana in drought, California drought ends, ENERGY STAR dishwasher specification, California energy and water study, American water footprint, DOE showerhead enforcement update, and much more

11-2 #26 WEW - March 2011 - DOE bans multiple showerheads, San Francisco sewer stink, WaterSense PRSVs, Tampa suspends rate structure, AWE Great Lakes rates primer, Fix a leak week, Study: tankless water heaters don't save water, AWE on Facebook, WaterRF restructures, and much more. 

11-1 #25 WEW - February 2011 - DOE waives preemption policy, WaterSense releases revised smart controller specification, US & Mexico reach pact on Colorado River, EPA issues new water loss guidance, Canadian market transformation study, toilets to tile, and much more.

10-9 #24 WEW - December 2010 - Drain line carry study set to commence, New conservation measures approved in Georgia, WaterSense to label water softeners, Water Smart Innovations conference, 86% of US rivers are impaired, Water service deemed "most important", and much more.

10-8 #23 WEW - November 2010 - American cities in water peril, NCAR drought forecast, AWE WaterStar award goes to George Kunkel, Americans willing to pay more for water, AWE continues support for rebate bill, SWAT update, Conservation is low cost supply option, and much more.

10-7 #22 WEW - September 2010 - New penalties for non-compliant products, DOE's rulemaking, AWE meeting and workshop updates, Freshwater summit, San Diego drought response, decline in plant growth, CALGreen building codes, and much more.

10-6 #21 WEW - August 2010 - Appliance standards, AWE-Assuie agreements, climate change, Home Start stalls, AWE inks MOU with Field Museum, DOE showehead ruling expected, LA considers different watering restrictions, and much more.

10-5 #20 WEW - June 2010 - Dickinson's federal legislative update, Water rates comparison, SWAT protocol comment period, AWE events at Water Smart Innovations, POLIS water pricing primer, Harris County tests landscape rating system, European water scarcity, and much more.

10-4 #19 WEW - May 2010 - Senator Wyden proposes rebate legislation, Pricing study compares across utilities, Graywater impact likely "modest" - AWWA white paper, Parched Montana anticpates drought, Embeded water study results, UN corporate water accounting, and much more.

10-3 #18 WEW - April 2010 - Georgia passes landmark conservation legislation, WaterSense showerhead spec released, GAO finds fraud at Energy Star, Interview with Dick Bennett, Canadian attitudes survey, Colorado legislation, Army water efficiency, Texas report, and much more.

10-2 #17 WEW - March 2010 - DOE Takes on non-complian showerhead manufacturers, DOI launches WaterSMART, Interview with James Workman, Turf study findings reversed, CSA issues draft standard for non-potable water treatment systems, IAPMO, ASHRAE, AWWA, and much more.

10-1 WEW - January 2010 - AWE Meets at White House, WaterSense New Home Spec released, Georgia running out of water and time, House approves water research act, EPA releases water loss guidance, Judge overturns Colorado River agreement, and much more

09-10 #16 WEW - December 2009 - USGS Water Use in the US, California bond needs voter approval, Appeals court ruling on efficient appliances, WaterSense releases smart controller specification, Colorado reservoir lacks only water, and much more.

09-9 #15 WEW - Oct & Nov 2009 - Watershed for Conservation in Washington, California passes retrofit on resale, DOE to crackdown on non-compliant fixtures, John Flowers wins first Water Star Award, MaP for commercial toilets announced, and much more.

09-8 #14 WEW - September 2009 - Drought in California, Texas, and Mexico, NYC teams with WaterSense, UN warns of shortages, California water legislations sinks, Dwarf Planets rock AWE/EPA banquet, and much more.

09-7 #13 WEW - August 2009 - AWE Conservation Tracking Tool, CEC Suspends Irrigation Rulemaking, California adopts dual plumbing and graywater standards,  AWE wins award, LA mandates more efficient fixtures, climate change update and California strategy, and much more.

09-6 #12 WEW - July 2009 - Congression water efficiency update, AWE/EPA Banquet Planned, Smart Controller Report, Dipper Wells, Ontario water management, Conservation and water quality, GreenPlumbers, and much more.

09-5 #11 WEW - June 2009 - Major water efficiency bill moves through congress, Texas legislations, NRDC CII report, Southern California Drought Response, Georgia Conservation Plan, Rice vs. Water, Water Wars, Sacramento metering, and much more.

09-4 #10 WEW - May 2009 - AWE testifies before congress, Texas plumbing legislation, Water loss workshops, MWD cuts supply 10%, Lake Mead approaches historic low level, John Flowers to retire, Bozeman toilet program, and much more.

09-3 #9 WEW - March 2009 - Stimulus package update, EPA funding update, California drought, AWE max. water use thresholds, Drainline carry research, Colorado River compact call, LA toilet specificiation, Texas water supply issues, and much more.

09-2 #8 WEW - February 2009 - Water efficiency recommendations in stimulus package, California drought, Supreme Court and Lake Lanier, Georgia update, Water conservation bill in House, Texas drought, Fix-a-leak week, and much more.

09-1 #7 WEW - January 2009 - AWE signs historic MOU, Obama transition team, master list of water efficiency projects, Canadian stimulus funding, Colorado River drought, California smelt, international space station, and much more.

08-5 #6 WEW - November-December 2008 - WaterSmart Innovation review, AWE Resource Library, Multiple showerheads, Oregon Graywater, Tucson Rainwater, WaterSense Partners of the Year, Climate change research, Georgia limits drought restrictions, and much more.

08-4 #5 WEW - September-October 2008 - LEED 2009, California green building standards, EPA awards, Spotlight - Jill Hoyenga of Eugene Water and Electric, Soil moisture sensor research, WaterSmart Innovations 2008, Global fresh water crisis, and much more.

08-3 #4 WEW - July-August 2008 - LEED 2009, Texas irrigation, Water efficiency - lots of action and players, Spotlight - Doug Bennett of the Southern Nevada Water Authority, California drought, Sacramento water use, low flow showerheads, New SWAT irrigation controller protocol, Lander to lead Colorado Water Wise Council, and much more.

08-2 #3 WEW - May-June 2008 - AWE's top 10 water efficiency policies for utilities, Plumbing codes, SWAT, Georgia retrofit on reconnect ordinance, WaterSense New Home specification, Retrofits in Orme Tennessee, US lacks annual demand metric, and much more.

08-1 #2 WEW - December-January 2008 - Energy Bill approved, EPA water efficiency awards, Drought in US Southeast, AWE congressional testimony, UNAR toilet listing, Colorado Top Drop awards, Duke University water conservation, RAND CII report, UN Report anticipates water challenges, Climate change, Las Vegas water use study, Residential scare reuse, Megalopolis and sustainability, and much more.

 07-1 #1 WEW - October-November 2007 - Drought in Southeast US, California approves HET standard, Spotlight - Bill Jacoby, AWE opens its doors, WaterSense showerheads, New Mexico conservation center grant, Bureau of Reclamation smart controller report, Coping with climate change, Toilet testing results, Biofuels and water scarcity, SWAT soil moisture sensor protocol, Meacham joins the IA, San Francisco demand forecasting report, and much more.

How to Submit Content for Water Efficiency Watch

Water Efficiency Watch welcomes submission of articles, photos, stories, commentary, new technologies, web links, etc. Please e-mail your submission to Peter Mayer

DISCLAIMER: The Alliance for Water Efficiency reports on research and information as a service. This should not not be considered an explicit or implicit endorsement of any product, service, research effort, analysis, etc. unless specifically so indicated.