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Date: September 28, 2001
Sunset Review: September 28, 2005
SUBJECT: Personal Property Management
1. PURPOSE.This directive states policies, procedures and reporting requirements pertaining to personal property management responsibilities under Chapter 101 of the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR) and Chapter 102 of the Federal Management Regulation (FMR) published in Title 41 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Guidelines for accounting for property, including capitalization, are published in Treasury Directive (TD) 32-01, Accounting Principles and Standards.
2. SCOPE. This directive applies to all bureaus and offices, the Office of Inspector General (OIG), and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).
3. POLICY.  It is the policy of the Department of the Treasury that all bureaus and offices establish personal property management programs and systems to carry out the regulations and reporting requirements issued by the General Services Administration (GSA) in 41 CFR Chapters 101 and 102.
4. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK. The Property Management Handbook, which is issued by the Office of Asset Management (OAM), Departmental Offices (DO), outlines a process of oversight and self-evaluation to assist in determining whether personal property management program objectives are being met. The handbook contains material for reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of bureau and office management of personal property programs. Bureau and office program reviewers may use the questions in the handbook and related program documentation to assess the current status of their programs and determine necessary corrective actions.
a. Personal Property.  Property of any kind or interest except real property, as defined in FMR 102-36 Disposition of Excess Personal Property.
b. Personal Property Management Program. A structured approach for managing the needs determination, budgeting, acquisition, receipt, storage, maintenance, protection, accountability, utilization and disposal of personal property assets to best satisfy the program needs of the Department, bureaus and offices.
c. Personal Property Management System. A manual or automated data processing system used to support the personal property management program.
a. Policies and guidelines governing the procurement of personal property appear in FPMR Parts 101-25 and 101-26. As directed by FPMR 101-25.104, Treasury bureaus and offices shall determine whether their requirements can be met through already-owned items before acquiring new personal property items. The acquisition of new items shall be limited to those requirements which will contribute to the accomplishment of the mission and shall not include upgrading to improve appearance, office decor, status or to satisfy the desire for the latest design or more expensive lines.
b. Bureaus and offices shall establish criteria, i.e., set standards, for the use of office furniture, furnishings, and equipment (See FPMR 101-25.302).
a. General. Policies and guidelines governing the utilization and disposal of personal property appear in FPMR Parts 101-44 through 101-46, 101-48, 101-49 and FMR 102-36.
b. Non-appropriated Funds Personal Property. Personal property acquired with non-appropriated funds that is determined to be excess shall be made available for transfer on a reimbursable basis in accordance with the provisions of FMR 102-36.285 and this directive.
c. Abandoned or Forfeited Personal Property. Voluntarily abandoned or forfeited personal property retained by a bureau or office for its official use under FPMR Subpart 101-48.1 shall lose its identity as abandoned or forfeited property. When it is no longer required for official use, it shall be reported as excess in accordance with the provisions of FPMR Part 101-48 and this directive.
d. Interdepartmental Transfers of Excess Personal Property. No personal property of a Treasury bureau or office, reportable or non-reportable, shall be transferred to any other Federal agency or the District of Columbia government or donated to any authorized organization until a determination has been made in accordance with paragraphs 7.e. and 7.f., that the property cannot be utilized by other Treasury bureaus or offices (See FMR 102-36.35).
e. Reporting Excess Personal Property. FMR Part 102-36 provides guidance regarding whether the property is reportable or non-reportable to GSA. Bureaus and offices are strongly encouraged to use GSA's on-line Federal Disposal System (FEDS) to list excess property and to search for property they may need. FEDS is an on-line system and may also be accessed via modem if a bureau or office does not possess Internet capability. Access may be requested through OAM. If property is not listed on FEDS, bureaus and offices shall complete an SF 120, Report of Excess Personal Property, for reportable property, in accordance with the instructions contained in FMR Part 102-36 and forward it to the appropriate GSA office for the region (except for the National Capital Region of GSA) in which the property is located.
The Asset Management Disposition System (ADMS) is a GSA decision support system for analysis and modeling of information on property disposal. Managers and staff with personal property management responsibilities are encouraged to register for system access at Complete information on the system may also be found at that location.
f. Reporting Excess or Exchange/Sale of Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADPE). When ADPE, especially in the case of personal computers and workstations, is determined to be excess to bureau or office needs, every effort shall be made to donate the equipment to a school under the provisions of the Computers for Learning program as established under Executive Order 12999. If this is not possible, bureaus shall forward the SF 120 form for excess Government owned ADPE to GSA.
g. Exchange and Sale of Personal Property. A summary report of transactions completed under the exchange/sale authority is to be submitted in memorandum form upon request to the Director, OAM, for Departmental consolidation and transmittal to GSA.
h. Availability and Acquisition of Personal Property Excess to Other Agencies. FMR Part 102-36 describes methods of obtaining information regarding the availability of excess property, such as personal contact with GSA and periodic review of excess property bulletins.
i. Transfer of Excess Personal Property Between Federal Agencies(See FMR Part 102-36). Only after it has been determined that property is excess to the Department will a transfer of excess property be made to other Federal agencies. Excess personal property may be transferred between Federal agencies by use of SF 122, Transfer Order Excess Personal Property. The requesting agency shall prepare and forward the original and three copies of the transfer order to the appropriate GSA regional office for approval. Prior approval is not required when:
(1) reportable property under FMR Part 102-36 has not yet been reported to GSA and the total acquisition cost does not exceed $10,000;
(2)non-reportable property under FMR Part 102-36 has not been set aside for screening by GSA and the total acquisition cost does not exceed $25,000;
(3)the holding agency sends an information copy of the transfer order to the appropriate GSA regional office within 10 workdays from the receipt of the order; and
(4)the excess property exceeds the $10,000 per line item limitation and the appropriate GSA regional office has been contacted for oral approval of a prearranged transfer. The SF-122 shall be annotated with the date and name of the GSA approving official.
a. DO have collected antique or traditional furnishings and decorative arts and other items of historic interest for use in the Treasury Building. Many of the pieces now in use date from the mid-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The design and style of the furnishings from these periods are most appropriate for use in an older building such as the Main Treasury Building with its large rooms and high barrel vault ceilings. Some of the items have been in use continuously over the years while other items have been transferred from the Treasury bureaus and offices.
b. DO has a continuing interest in expanding this collection by obtaining some of the older furnishings located in bureau headquarters or field offices which were used in the past but are now in storage. Of particular interest are desks, tables, couches, chairs, portraits, paintings and similar items of historic significance, which could be used, in their present condition or after restoration.
c. Bureau personal property officers should advise the office of the Chief Management and Administrative Programs Officer, DO of any items of this type which are available for transfer. A brief description of each article should be included in the notification. Arrangements will be made for the transfer of property if it is determined that the item can be used in the Main Treasury Building.
Bureaus and offices are required to submit the following annual reports to the Director, OAM, by the date indicated in addition to other reports outlined in this directive:
a. The Gifts Given to Foreign Individuals Report is required annually on December 1 for gifts given during the previous fiscal year. This report may be submitted by memorandum to the Office of Asset Management;
b. The AForeign Gifts Received Report is required annually by January 15 for gifts received during the previous calendar year. This report may be submitted by memorandum to the Office of Asset Management;
c. The Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST) is an on-line report and access should be requested through OAM. Data entry for this report is due annually by November 1. A Treasury (T) Tag inventory and copies of commercial vehicle leases are also required to be submitted to the Office of Asset Management annually by November 1. The T-Tag inventory may be submitted in spreadsheet format on a diskette accompanied by a cover memorandum.
d. Personal Property Furnished To Non-Federal Recipients. As required by FMR 102-36.295 and 102-36.300, each bureau is required to submit a consolidated annual performance report of personal property that has been:
(1) obtained as excess property; or
(2)determined to be no longer required for the purpose of the appropriation from which it was purchased and subsequently furnished to:
(a) a recipient other than a Federal agency in any manner whatsoever within the 50 States;
(b) the District of Columbia;
(c) the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico:
(d) the Virgin Islands;
(e) American Samoa;
(f) Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; or
(g) the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
The report shall be a memorandum submitted to the Director, OAM, by November 30 of each year for property furnished during the previous fiscal year to allow for Departmental consolidation and transmittal to GSA. Negative reports are required. The report shall reference FMR 102-36.295.
e. Reporting requirements also exist for any bureau operating Government-owned aircraft. These reports include information on aircraft inventories, support facilities and operational costs, as well as costs for contract, rental, and charter aircraft utilization. Specific reporting requirements are listed in FPMR 101-37.504.
a. The Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has Department-wide responsibility for administering personal property management programs and systems.
b. The Director, Office of Asset Management, has oversight responsibilities for the Department's personal property management program, and shall:
(1) provide program assistance to bureaus, offices, TIGTA, and the OIG regarding the policies, procedures and reporting requirements outlined in this directive;
(2) develop and implement personal property management policies, programs, systems and procedures in accordance with GSA regulations, statutes, Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP) standards, and guidance provided by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB);
(3) provide guidance and consultative support to Treasury bureau and office personal property staff in assessing programs and systems to determine the status of compliance with this directive, and with standards and procedures established by JFMIP and GSA in FPMR Chapter 101 and FMR Chapter 102 for the Government-wide personal property program;
(4) designate a Departmental Personal Property Program Officer and a National Utilization Officer;
(5) encourage career development of the personal property management work force throughout the Department in coordination with the Director, Office of Personnel Policy, DO; and
(6) encourage the increased bureau and office use of automated systems such as FEDS and ADMS to support personal property management programs, including applications that can lead to improved reuse of personal property within Treasury.
c. The Deputy Chief Financial Officer shall issue guidelines for accounting for property, including capitalization.
d. The Chief Management and Administrative Programs Officer, Heads of Bureaus and Offices, the Inspector General and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, as it relates to their respective bureaus and offices, shall:
(1) ensure appropriate personal property management systems, procedures, reviews and reporting requirements are established within their organizations;
(2) review internal policies and procedures for personal property management to ensure that they are consistent with this directive, the FPMR and the FMR;
(3) create and maintain accurate inventory control and accountability record systems;
(4) submit required property management reports to the Department;
(5) provide career development programs for the personal property management work force in their respective bureaus and offices;
(6) provide consultative management reviews of bureau personal property programs and systems on a periodic basis, utilizing the Property Management Handbook as a resource to ensure compliance with GSA, JFMIP, OMB, and Departmental policies, regulations, and directives;
(7) designate a senior management official who shall be accountable for the oversight of the bureau or office personal property management program, and designate a Property Management Officer, who shall be responsible for the effective control, utilization and disposal of property assets. The Director, OAM, shall be notified in writing of these designations within 30 days of the date of this directive. All subsequent designation changes shall be reported within 30 days of their effective date; and
(8) ensure that, whenever bureau accounting manuals contain instructions on accounting for capitalized personal property, which are necessary to elaborate on the guidance contained in the Department's guidelines, the accounts conform with the Department's administrative and fiscal accounting standards as expressed in Treasury directives and accounting manuals; i.e., the Accounting Principles and Standards Manual.
a. Standard forms cited in this directive may be obtained from the Federal Supply Service, GSA, and may be obtained electronically through the GSA website.
b. The Personal Property Management Handbook is available from OAM.
12. CANCELLATIONS. Treasury Directive 73-01, Personal Property Management, dated April 2, 1992, is superseded.
a. Treasury Directive 32-01, Accounting Principles and Standards.
b. The Office of Asset Management Property Management Handbook.
c. Executive Order 12999 Educational Technology: Ensuring Opportunity for all Children in the Next Century.
a. FPMR, 41 CFR Chapter 101 and FMR, 41 CFR Chapter 102.
b. Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, 40 U.S.C. ' 486(c).
15. OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST. Office of Asset Management, Deputy Assistant Secretary (Management and Budget), Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer.
James J. Flyzik
Acting Assistant Secretary for Management
and Chief Information Officer
Last Updated: 11/4/2010 10:00 PM

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