Resource Portal

USAID is committed to international development through multiple mechanisms - from delivering humanitarian assistance to research on development strategies and programming. These many arenas of USAID’s work produce diverse results. The following resource portals showcase USAID’s research and work across a variety of initiatives and programs.

Workforce Connections

Workforce Connections promotes evidence-based learning and peer-to-peer knowledge exchange, with the goal of improving the capacity of USAID and its industry partners to deliver quality workforce development programming.

The USAID Land Tenure and Property Rights Portal

The USAID Land Tenure and Property Rights (LTPR) Portal is a knowledge resource that emphasizes the importance of secure land tenure and property rights to a variety of international development goals. It features information on current and completed projects, research, tools, and articles.


Sustainable Water and Sanitation in Africa (SUWASA)

Sustainable Water and Sanitation in Africa (SUWASA) – learn about projects, check-out the resource center, and subscribe to the e-newsletter.


Sustainable Coastal Communities and Ecosystems (SUCCESS)

Website for SUCCESS archives all assessments, technical reports, success stories, and lessons learned.  Also documents from previously funded field sites, as well as current global cross-cutting portfolio agenda.



This site is a joint NASA-USAID geospatial information platform.  SERVIR is a global network of regional partners dedicated to environmental management through the integration of Earth observations and geospatial technologies. We create new tools for use by stakeholders in developing countries to improve environmental management and resilience to climate change. Since its inception in 2004, SERVIR has helped decision makers in SERVIR hub regions improve monitoring and forecasting of water and air quality, extreme weather, biodiversity changes, land cover changes, and more.

Resource Management Portal

The purpose of the Portal is to provide an open access communications bridge between organizations, communities, consortia and global partners working on an integrated approach to natural resource management linking nature, energy, and human health.

Powering Health

Options for providing reliable electricity to health facilities in developing countries


Powering Agriculture Grand Challenge

Powering Agriculture: An Energy Grand Challenge for Development (PAEGC) seeks to identify and support new and sustainable approaches to accelerate the development and deployment of clean energy solutions for increasing agriculture productivity and/or value in developing countries.

OpenEnergy Info (OpenEI)

Clean energy information, data and other resources.


Natural Resources Management Portal

Mechanism for dissemination of natural resources managment information



Microenterprise web portal


Making Cities Work

Supports knowledge sharing on urban issues



Our mission is to improve family planning and reproductive health services in low- and middle-income countries. We are working to change the way family planning knowledge is accessed, shared, and used.

Global Water for Sustainability (GLOWS)

Website for GLOWS archives field studies, success stories, and program highlights.


Global Reading Network

The Global Reading Network is a network comprised of governments, practitioners, civil society organizations, teachers associations, academics, funders, UN agencies, and other stakeholders committed to improving reading outcomes for primary grade children across the globe.

FWD Campaign

From September 2011 to March of 2012, USAID, in partnership with the Ad Council, ran the FWD (Famine.War.Drought) Campaign to raise awareness of the more than 13.3 million people in crisis in the Horn of Africa.


Education Quality Improvement Program (EQUIP)

  • Measuring and Improving Learning for All
  • Sustaining and Scaling-up Change
  • Youth, Gender and Conflict

Education in Crisis and Conflict Network

A community of practice composed of USAID staff, implementing partners and other stakeholders working to improve equitable access to education in the world’s crisis and conflict affected environments.

Ed Data II

 Data for basic education policy and program planning.


Economic Growth and Trade Portal

Information about USAID's economic growth and trade projects, including a resource library.


A Global Knowledge Portal for Climate Change


The CityLinks™ model was designed by ICMA as a way to enable municipal officials in developing and decentralizing countries to draw on the resources of their U.S. counterparts to find sustainable solutions tailored to the real needs of their cities. It was formalized in collaboration with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in 1997 with the launch of a funded program, known at the time as Resource Cities.

All Children Reading

All Children Reading Grand Challenge Website.



The AgTechXChange connects people and organizations that are engaging smallholder farmers by commercializing agricultural technologies and implementing innovative business practices. Members of the community can share knowledge and experiences, ask questions, connect with others, and research potential funders


Achieving agriculture-led food security through knowledge-sharing.


Last updated: June 21, 2016

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