Research Capabilities

These capabilities are our science and engineering at work for the national security interest in areas from global climate to cyber security, from nonproliferation to new materials, from clean energy, to supercomputing.
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At Los Alamos, scientists and engineers are working to unlock many of the mechanisms found in nature to improve humanity’s ability to battle diseases, create new forms of environmentally friendly and abundant energy, bolster human and animal immune systems, and improve agriculture to facilitate the growing of crops for food.

Learn more about our Bioscience capabilities.

Energy and Subsurface

Laura Barber, Business Development

Laura Barber

Energy: Los Alamos is using its world-class scientific capabilities to enhance national energy security by developing energy sources with limited environmental impact and by improving the efficiency and reliability of the energy infrastructure.

Subsurface: Sustainable energy, climate impacts, nuclear threat detection, and environmental management are primary focus areas of earth and environmental science and research. This work is done through Los Alamos' Earth and Environmental Sciences Division.

Learn more about our Energy and Subsurface capabilities.

Fundamental Science Applications

Don Hickmott, Business Development

Don HickmottThe DOE Basic Energy Science (BES) program supports research to understand, predict and ultimately control matter and energy at the electronic, atomic, and molecular levels. This research fosters the fundamental scientific discoveries needed to meet energy, environmental, and national security challenges. Los Alamos also internally invests in early stage, high-risk, high-payoff research through its Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program.

Learn more about our Fundamental Science Applications.

Information Sciences and Technology

Steve Stringer, Business Development

Steve StringerThe IS&T leverages advances in theory, algorithms, and the exponential growth of high-performance computing to accelerate the integrative and predictive capability of the scientific method. 

Learn more about our Information Sciences and Technology capabilities.

Integrated & Engineered Systems

Miranda Intrator, Business Development

Miranda Intrator, Business DevelopmentIntegrated and Engineering Systems at Los Alamos National Laboratory create, design, and build the tools, instruments and systems that Laboratory scientists use to explore, monitor, experiment and discover natural and man-made phenomena.

Learn more about our Integrated & Engineered Systems capabilities.

Material Science and Nuclear Science

Material Science: At Los Alamos, we pursue the discovery science and engineering required to establish design principles, synthesis pathways, and manufacturing processes to control functionality in materials relevant to ensuring the U.S. nuclear deterrent, reducing global threats, and solving energy security challenges. 

Nuclear Science: The Nuclear and Particle sciences strategy focuses on the research required to maintain Los Alamos as the premier laboratory in United States for “all things nuclear.”

Learn more about our Material Science and Nuclear Science capabilities.

National Security and Cyber Security

Learn more about our National Security and Cyber Security capabilities.National security and weapons science at the laboratory spans essentially all the physical, life, and engineering sciences. The research performed by laboratory scientists and engineers provides the base from which new, innovative solutions are developed for the nation’s nuclear security problems.

Oil and Gas

John Russell, Business Development
Don Hickmott, Business Development

John Russell, Business DevelopmentDon Hickmott
Los Alamos' efforts in fossil energy R&D focus on the use of conventional and unconventional fossil fuels, including associated environmental challenges.

Learn more about our Oil and Gas capabilities. 

Software and High Performance Computing

Kathleen McDonald, Intellectual Property & Business Development

Kathleen McDonaldSoftware: Computational physics, computer science, applied mathematics, statistics and the integration of large data streams are central to scientific discovery and innovation.

High Performance Computing (HPC): Providing world-class high performance computing capability that enables unsurpassed solutions to complex problems of strategic national interest. 

Learn more about our Software and High Performance Computing capabilities. 

Space and Sensors

Michael Erickson, Business Development

Michael EricksonSpace: Create, deliver, support, and exploit innovative sensing systems for space-based, airborne and ground-based applications to address critical national security and scientific challenges.

Sensors: Sensors and instrumentation systems are important to all three of the primary Laboratory missions: reducing global threats, solving energy security challenges, and ensuring the nuclear deterrent.

Learn more about our Space and Sensors capabilities.

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