Post-Election Resources

Want to understand how the election will impact immigrants and refugees?

Visit our resource page.
Read our post-election statement.

Many immigrants qualify for legal status, even citizenship, under existing law yet are unaware they are eligible.

Our new document outlines these options.

New Dates for #GCIR2018

Adjust your calendars, please! GCIR's biennial national convening will now take place February 27 - March 1, 2018, in Los Angeles, California. Join us for philanthropy's foremost conference on immigrant and refugee issues.

Immigrants, Refugees, and Education in America

Bullying, harassment, intimidation, and other hate-based incidents in schools and on college campuses have risen sharply this academic year and are increasing at an alarming rate.

Review our latest resource to learn how educational institutions and non-profit organizations around the country have responded to these troubling developments:

Creating a Safe Environment for Immigrant and Refugee Students, Families, and Communities: Actions for PreK-12 Schools and Higher Education

Immigrants in the Workforce

Attention California and economic opportunity funders!

If you are interested in grantmaking mechanisms that improve career options, increase wages, and build economic security for immigrants, check out GCIR's new set of funding recommendations:
Building California's Immigrant Workforce: Opportunities for Grantmakers

One of #GCIR2016's most popular events was a storytelling event we produced with The Moth. 

Watch the highlight reel.

U.S. Census 2020

The next census will guide more than $4 trillion in federal funding over the next decade. Learn more on our resource page.

The best way to find out about upcoming GCIR programs is through our newsletter. Subscribe now!

Ideas? Questions? Contact Us.