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  • The Small Business Case for Repeal and Replace
    Posted in Blog on January 13, 2017 | Preview rr
    Tags: Health

    The Small Business Case for Repeal and Replace For years, members of the small business community have been testifying before the House Small Business Committee on the failures of Obamacare and the reasons it needs to be repealed and replaced. House Republicans have been listening to them all along. Today, the House is expected to pass legislation that will clear the way for the repeal and replacement of Obamacare. These Small Business Committee witnesses made the case for repeal and replace far... Read more

  • Small Business Provisions in the FY17 National Defense Authorization Act
    Posted in Blog on December 2, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Contracting

    Small Business Provisions in the FY17 National Defense Authorization Act You can read the full text of the Conference Report for the FY17 NDAA HERE. Section 1801 – Plain Language Rewrite of Requirements for Small Business Procurements This section rewords section 15 (a) of the Small Business Act as plain English so that small businesses and contracting agencies will better understand the current requirements of the law. This language originated from H.R. 4341, the Defending America’s Small Contr... Read more

  • Bipartisan Small Business Solutions Hit the House Floor Today
    Posted in Blog on April 19, 2016 | Preview rr

    5 bipartisan bills hit the House floor today. These solutions have three important things in common: they protect and provide opportunities for small businesses to thrive, save taxpayer dollars, and promote greater accountability from the federal government. H.R. 4284, Service Provider Opportunity Clarification Act of 2015 Offered by Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) Since 1978, the Small Business Act has required that large prime contractors awarded contracts exceeding $700,000 ($1.5 million for cons... Read more

  • 42,000
    Posted in Blog on November 6, 2015 | Preview rr

    Today, President Obama rejected 42,000 new jobs. These jobs would be created in communities throughout our nation, including places like Cincinnati, Ohio: “When we talk about the jobs Keystone would support, we’re not just talking about numbers. We’re talking about real people, like those I’ve met at the Siemens factory in Cincinnati who stand ready to manufacture the electric motors for the pipeline. We’re talking about more than 42,000 hardworking Americans in cities and towns all over the cou... Read more

  • Small Business Member Reflects on NDAA Veto
    Posted in Blog on November 2, 2015 | Preview rr

    Representative Trent Kelly (R-MS) serves on the House Small Business Committee, where he works to defend America's entrepreneurial spirit and the growth of small businesses. For the last 30 years, he's also served in the Mississippi Army National Guard. These two leadership experiences provide a unique perspective on the impact of the President's veto of the National Defense Authorization Act -- a bill that makes sure our men and women in uniform and their families have what they need. Watch an... Read more

  • Opening Statement of Chairman Steve Chabot
    Posted in Blog on October 21, 2015 | Preview rr

    Opening Statement of Chairman Steve Chabot The EMV Deadline and What it Means for Small Business: Part II As prepared for delivery "Good morning, I call this hearing to order. At the Small Business Committee, we make it our job to understand what’s helping and hurting the small businesses that employ half of the American workforce. We’re interested in hearing more about the transition to EMV chip card technology because it impacts every person who holds a major credit card and the more than 20 ... Read more

  • This Week at Small Business: EMV Deadline Part II
    Posted in Blog on October 19, 2015 | Preview rr

    Small Business Committee Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH) announces the following hearing this week: Full Committee Hearing Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH) Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 11:00 A.M. 2360 Rayburn House Office Building The EMV Deadline and What it Means for Small Businesses: Part II The Committee on Small Business will meet for a hearing titled, The EMV Deadline and What it Means for Small Businesses: Part II. The hearing is scheduled to begin at 11:00 A.M. on October 21, 2015 in Room 236... Read more

  • Small Business Provisions in the FY 16 National Defense Authorization Act
    Posted in Blog on October 1, 2015 | Preview rr

    Small Business Provisions in the FY16 National Defense Authorization Act: Section 821 - Acquisition strategy required for each major defense acquisition program, major automated information system, and major system • Emphasizes that the use of small business must be addressed as part of the acquisition strategy. Section 844 - Mandatory requirement for training related to the conduct of market research • Requires training on market research, which will make it easier to identify potential small c... Read more

  • The Worst Ever
    Posted in Blog on October 1, 2015 | Preview rr

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  • HAPPENING TOMORROW: The Blacklist: Are Small Businesses Guilty Until Proven Innocent?
    Posted in Blog on September 28, 2015 | Preview rr

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