Student Loans

slba1NCLC’s Student Loan Borrower Assistance (SLBA) Project provides information about student loan rights and responsibilities for borrowers and advocates.  We also seek to increase public understanding of student lending issues and to identify policy solutions to promote access to education, lessen student debt burdens and make loan repayment more manageable.

The SLBA web site has detailed information for borrowers who already have student loans and want to know more about their options and rights. >>>

Policy Analysis

Policy Briefs, Reports and Press Releases

Testimony and Comments



  • Case against the United States Department of Education: The National Consumer Law Center is co-counsel in a Freedom of Information Act suit requesting public records of the U.S. Department of Education regarding race and debt collection practices of third-party debt collectors hired by the Department: ComplaintExhibit 1 (FOIA request, May 7, 2015), Exhibit 2Exhibit 3, and Exhibit 4, and press release