Collage depicting fish, ships, satellites, ocean, maps, buoys, sun, hurricanes -- with the NOAA and Commerce Department Logos
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•NOAA News Releases RSS feed of NOAA news releases.
• Stories RSS feed of stories.
•NOAA Magazine RSS feed of NOAA Magazine stories.
NOAA Podcasts
NOAA RSS banner.

About RSS
RSS (Real Simple Syndication) is an XML-based document format for supplying or syndicating news and other timely information. It provides headlines, URLs (links) to the source document and a brief description of the information in an easy to understand and use format. RSS based "news readers" and "news aggregators" allow the display of RSS headlines on desktop and laptop computers, as well as mobile devices enabled to view RSS feeds.

Some Web browsers, such as Firefox, can have RSS readers added to them. You can search the Internet for news readers and aggregators.

NOAA is providing RSS feeds for its news releases. Soon news stories will be added.

NOAA’s National Weather Service and National Hurricane Center also provide RSS feeds.

Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce.
Last Updated: April 6, 2007 1:16 PM
Published by the NOAA Office of Communications, Contact:
Click here for the NOAA home page. Click here for Department of Commerce Home Page.