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East Rockaway Inlet to Rockaway Inlet (Rockaway Beach)

East Rockaway Inlet to Rockaway Inlet (Rockaway Beach)

The Rockaway Beach shoreline has experienced a number of severe hurricanes and northeasters over the last 40 years. In 1960 Hurricane Donna caused $8,774,000 (1960 price level) in damages, including 6,000 homes and hundreds of commercial establishments and a 1962 storm inflicted $8,450,400 (1962 price level) in damages to the Rockaway Peninsula.

November 9, 2016 Update -  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, in conjunction with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation announces public meetings for the Atlantic Coast of New York, East Rockaway Inlet to Rockaway Inlet, and Jamaica Bay Reformulation Study. The public comment period has been extended until December 2, 2016, to provide residents additional opportunity for feedback.

Meeting Schedule: Meetings have been scheduled for 6PM to 9PM

Click here to see meeting presentation slides.

To request a copy of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and submit written comments, contact:

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
Planning Division-Environmental Branch (ATTN: Mr. Robert Smith)
26 Federal Plaza, New York, New York 10278-0090
Email: Project Biologist and Project Manager Daniel Falt

Comments provided will become part of the public record for this EIS. Comments submitted will be fully considered during the preparation of the final EIS.  All written comments, including names and address, will be made a part of the administrative record, available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Administrative Record, or portions thereof, may also be posted on a Corps of Engineers web site.The acknowledgement of the receipt of comments or responses to individual letters and comments will not be provided but will be included and addressed in the final EIS.

Study Report

Rockaway Draft Integrated HSGRR and EIS
Appendix A1 - Rockaway, Atlantic Ocean Shoreline Engineering Appendix
Appendix A2-Rockaway, Jamaica Bay Planning Reach Engineering Appendix
Appendix A3 - Part 1 Rockaway, Atlantic Ocean Planning Reach Plates and Sections
Appendix A3 - Part 2_1 Rockaway, Jamaica Bay Planning Reach Plates and Sections
Appendix A3 - Part 2_2 Rockaway, Jamaica Bay Planning Reach Plates and Sections
Appendix A3 - Part 2_3 Rockaway, Jamaica Bay Planning Reach Plates and Sections
Appendix A3 Part 3  Rockaway Residual Risk plates
Appendix B - Rockaway, Borrow Area Engineering Appendix
Appendix B2 - Rockaway, Borrow Area Environmental
Appendix C- Rockaway, Cost Estimating
Appendix D - Rockaway, Benefits
Appendix E- Rockaway, Plan Formulation
Appendix F - Rockaway, Real Estate Plan
Appendix G- Rockaway, Public Access Plan
Appendix H - Rockaway, Pertinent Correspondence
Appendix I - Rockaway, Environmental Impacts Support Document
Appendix J - Rockaway, Endangered Species Act Compliance
Appendix K - Rockaway, Essential Fish Habitat
Appendix L Rockaway, Cultural Resources
Appendix M - Rockaway, Historic Resources
Appendix N - Rockaway, Coastal Zone Management
Appendix O - Rockaway, Fish and Wildlife Coordination
Appendix P Rockaway, Emissions Estimates
Appendix Q - Rockaway, Environmental Compliance
Appendix R - Rockaway, 404(b)1 compliance
Appendix S  - Rockaway, Mapped Freshwater Wetlands

April 2015 Update- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in partnership with the New York State Depoartment of EnvironmentalConservation, hosted a series of public information sessions to share information regarding the ongoing East Rockaway to Rockaway Inlet and Jamaica Bay Reformulation Study and gather feedback from the public. The posters and formal presentations from those sessions can be downloaded in PDF form below.

Entire Poster Set - Posters 1-13 (~9MB)
East Rockaway Reformulation Study Formal Presentation 22 April 15 (~3MB)

 For more information please read the Atlantic Coast of New York City, East Rockaway Inlet to Rockaway Inlet & Jamaica Bay, NY Fact Sheet or email the Project Manager.