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Contact Us

If you have any problems using StreamStats or any general comments or questions about StreamStats, you may send email to the development team by clicking on the link below. Typically, you will get a faster response if you contact the entire team rather than contacting individual team members.


Team Members

John Guthrie, ArcGIS Programmer, Systems Administrator
Tana Haluska, Geographer, (503) 251-3212
Katharine Kolb, Geographer, (704) 344-3272 ext. 12
Jeremy Newson, Civil Engineer, Programmer
Kernell Ries, Project Manager, Hydrologist, (443) 498-5617 (Mon/Wed) or (410) 569-3876 (Tues/Thur/Fri)
Richard Santoro, Systems Administrator, (303) 202-4542
Pete Steeves, GIS Specialist, (508) 490-5054
Ryan Thompson, Hydrologist, (605) 352-4241 ext. 282
Hans Vraga, WiM Program Manager, (703) 648-5670











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