Approvals and Permits

Approvals and Permits

Fireworks Certification Procedures

About Permits and Approvals

PHMSA's Approvals and Permits Division is responsible for the issuance of DOT Special Permits and Approvals. A Special Permit sets forth alternative requirements, or variances, to the requirements in the HMR. Federal hazardous materials transportation law authorizes PHMSA to issue such variances in a way that achieves a safety level that is at least equal to the safety level required under Federal hazmat law or is consistent with the public interest if a required safety level does not exist. An approval is written consent, including a competent authority approval, from the Associate Administrator or other designated Department official, to perform a function that requires prior consent under the HMR.

Special Permits and Approval applications that required more than 120 days for final decision last quarter (trend chart) and average time to complete.

Please contact the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety Approvals and Permits Division with questions by going to Contact Us.

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