
Relief is on the Way

January 18, 2017 — Blog

In advance of President-elect Trump’s Inauguration on Friday, the House of Representatives last week laid the foundation for fulfilling one of our biggest promises to the American people: repealing Obamacare, formally known as the Affordable Care Act. Despite its name, this ...

To Compete and Win Worldwide, We Must End the “Made in America” Export Tax

January 18, 2017 — Blog

Today, more than 160 countries around the world use some sort of “border adjustable” tax. The United States is not one of them. As shown on the map below, we are one of very few countries worldwide that still taxes the sale of our own exports. Why does this matter? Because this completely backwards feature of our current tax code gives foreign-made products a ...

Growth, Simplicity, Service: The Pillars of Pro-growth Tax Reform in 2017

January 10, 2017 — Blog

Ways and Means Republicans are committed to making pro-growth tax reform a reality in 2017. Last year, as part of Speaker Ryan’s “Better Way” agenda, we released a detailed Blueprint for bold, pro-growth tax reform. Now we are moving forward aggressively to turn the ideas of our Blueprint into comprehensive tax reform legislation that lowers tax rates, closes special interest loopholes, ...

5 Reminders: How Obamacare Has Failed the American People

January 05, 2017 — Blog

President Obama’s health care law has been hurting America’s workers, families, retirees, and job creators for nearly seven years, and—as newspapers across the country highlighted—2016 was no exception. As we begin a new year and a new Congress, here are five reminders ...

It’s Time to End the Uncompetitive Tax on “Made in the USA” Products

November 23, 2016 — Blog

In June, House Republicans unveiled our "Better Way” Blueprint for tax reform that will improve the lives of all Americans and help our country win around the world. This bold Blueprint delivers a 21st century tax code built for growth—the growth of families’ paychecks, the growth of American businesses, and the growth of our ...