United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
Information and Technical Assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act
2010 Regulations
2010 Design Standards
Technical Assistance Materials

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Ensuring Equality in the Criminal Justice System for People with Disabilities (posted 1/17/17)

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM): Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 —Nondiscrimination Based on Disability in Federally Assisted Programs or Activities
(posted 1/13/17)

Examples and Resources to Support Criminal Justice Entities in Compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act | PDF
Technical Assistance Publication (posted 1/11/17)

Lexington Chinese School
Settlement Agreement (posted 1/5/17)

Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
Settlement Agreement (posted 1/3/17)

John Dempsey Hospital
Settlement Agreement (posted 1/3/17)

New York City Department of Corrections | PDF
Letter of Findings (posted 12/27/16)

Princeton University
Agreement (posted 12/19/16)

Pea Ridge School District | PDF
Letter of Findings (posted 12/15/16)

Winn Dixie Stores, Inc. | PDF
Statement of Interest (posted 12/12/16)

Philadelphia Police Department | PDF
Letter of Findings (posted 12/8/16)

Final Rule Requiring Movie Theaters to Provide Captioning and Audio Description – Published in the Federal Register on December 2, 2016 (posted 12/2/16)

World AIDS Day 2016: Honoring Lives Lost by Fighting Discrimination
Justice Blog (posted 12/1/16)

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Other Items of Interest

Greyhound Lines, Inc.
A claims administrator is evaluating claims for compensation by individuals harmed by Greyhound's lack of accessible transportation or transportation-related services, or by a failure to make disability-related accommodations, between February 8, 2013 and February 8, 2016. The deadline to file a claim was November 10, 2016. To check the status of an already submitted claim, Visit the Claims Administrator's website for more information.

Memorandum of Understanding Regarding ADA and GINA Employment Discrimination Charges against State and Local Governments
Joint Document by the Department of Justice and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (posted 7/23/15)

More Items of Interest

Featured Topics

  • Olmstead: Community Integration for Everyone alt="Olmstead: Community Integration for Everyone"/> Olmstead: Community Integration for Everyone The Civil Rights Division enforces the Supreme Court's decision in Olmstead v. L.C., a ruling that requires states to eliminate unnecessary segregation of persons with disabilities and to ensure that persons with disabilities receive services in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs.
  • Fighting Discrimination Against People with HIV/AIDS
  • ADA Update: A Primer for State and Local Governments ADA Update: A Primer for State and Local Governments An illustrated guide to help State and local government officials understand the requirements of the ADA title II regulation.
  • Access to Medical Care for Individuals with Mobility Disabilities Access to Medical Care for Individuals with Mobility Disabilities
  • ADA Update: A Primer for Small Business ADA Update: A Primer for Small Business The Department of Justice has revised its regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This rule takes effect on March 15, 2011, clarifies issues that have arisen over the past 20 years, and contains new requirements, including the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design (2010 Standards). This document provides guidance to assist small business owners in understanding how this new regulation applies to them.
  • A Guide to Disability Rights Laws. A Guide to Disability Rights Laws. A Guide to Disability Rights Law. A 21-page booklet that provides a brief overview of ten Federal laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities and provides information about the federal agencies to contact for more information. (Spanish, Cambodian, Chinese, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Tagalog and Vietnamese editions available from the ADA Information Line.)
  • ADA Revised Requirements: Service Animals ADA Requirements: Service Animals This publication provides guidance on the term "service animal" and the service animal provisions in the Department's regulations for title II (State and local government services) and title III (public accommodations and commercial facilities).
  • U.S. Attorney Program for ADA Enforcement Barrier-Free Health Care Initiative U.S. Attorney Program for ADA Enforcement Barrier-Free Health Care Initiative Through the Barrier-Free Health Care Initiative, U.S. Attorneys' offices across the nation partner with the Department's Civil Rights Division to target their enforcement efforts on a critical area for individuals with disabilities. This initiative makes sure that people with disabilities, especially those who are deaf or have hearing loss, have access to medical information provided to them in a manner that is understandable to them. The Barrier-Free Health Care Initiative is a multi-phase plan that will also involve other key issues for people with disabilities, including ensuring physical access to medical buildings.
  • ADA Video Gallery ADA Video Gallery Seven videos are provided in the Gallery in Quick Time and Real Player formats. Open Captioned and Audio Description is provided.
  • 2010 ADA Standards 2010 ADA Standards The Justice Department has assembled an official online version of the 2010 Standards to provide the scoping and technical requirements for new construction and alterations under the ADA for Title II (28 CFR part 35) and Title III (28 CFR part 36).

File a Complaint

Instructions for filing a complaint with the Department of Justice and for requesting accommodations for the filing process

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