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Photo of a fuel cell electric vehicle refueling at a hydrogen dispensing station.

NREL hydrogen and fuel cell research focuses on developing, integrating, and demonstrating hydrogen production and delivery, hydrogen storage, and fuel cell technologies for transportation, stationary, and portable applications. Projects range from fundamental research to overcome technical barriers, manufacturing process improvement to enable high-volume fuel cell production, systems analysis to identify the most promising commercialization pathways, and market transformation to support early market deployments.

Our world-class research staff works in partnership with industry, academia, and other research organizations to advance the science behind emerging hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and to validate new technologies and systems in real-world operation. We also work with national and international standards development organizations to ensure the safe operation, handling, and use of hydrogen via the development of codes and standards for buildings, components, systems, and vehicles. Learn about working with us.

Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's Fuel Cell Technologies Office, this work contributes to improvements in sustainable hydrogen production technologies and cost-effective, high-performance fuel cell systems.

NREL's hydrogen and fuel cell research supports the U.S. Department of Energy's Fuel Cell Technologies Office.

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Newsletter: Hydrogen Fuel Cells