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BREAKING: House passes resolution paving way for Obamacare repeal →

Posted by Diane Black
Diane Black

Today I'm on the House floor leading debate in support of our budget resolution to kick start the repeal of Obamacare. I said I would work to erase this disastr...ous law, and I meant it.

With this resolution, we are keeping our promise to the American people. You can watch the debate as it continues at

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The house is currently debating the bill paving the way for Obamacare repeal. Interim Chairman Black is leading the debate and began with an opening statement:

"I rise today to speak on behalf of Americans everywhere who are hurting because of Obamacare. They are calling out for relief from this disastrous law, and Republicans are here today to begin delivering on our promise to provide that relief.

Now we’ll hear plenty of claims from the other side of the aisle during this... debate, but let’s be clear – Obamacare has failed, and it’s only going to get worse. Patients have seen skyrocketing premiums and deductibles, lost access to the doctors they preferred, had fewer coverage options, while others have had their plans cancelled outright.

It’s no wonder so many people have rejected this law. In 2015, roughly 8 million Americans paid the Obamacare penalty and more than 12 million claimed an exemption from the penalty. That’s 20 million Americans. What does it say about this law when 20 million Americans want nothing to do with it – many preferring to pay a penalty rather than be subjected to its higher costs and fewer choices?

If you ask me, it’s strong evidence that the American people are tired of paying more and getting less."

Read the full statement here:

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Here’s a graphic illustrating the steps to repealing Obamacare. Tomorrow, the House will take up a resolution paving the way to do just that.

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Happy to announce our republican members for the 115th Congress, which includes new members Rep. Jason Lewis (MN-02), Rep. Jack Bergman (MI-01), Congressman John Faso (NY-19), Congressman Lloyd Smucker (PA-16), Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-01), Congressman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) and Congressman Drew Ferguson (GA-03).

Press release:

Posted by Diane Black
Diane Black

I’ve been a nurse for more than 40 years, but you don’t need a degree in healthcare to know that Obamacare is failing. Honored to deliver the GOP Weekly Address and share about our fight to bring relief to the Americans who have been hurt by this law. #BetterWay

House Budget Committee GOP updated their profile picture.
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Check out the committee's latest budget digest → How Obamacare has Failed Individuals and Families

House Budget Committee GOP updated their cover photo.
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Obamacare: Reducing Quality and Innovation

The United States has the best doctors, nurses, and providers in the world and has long been a pioneer in discovering new cures. Unfortunately, Obamacare’s rules and regulations are diminishing quality and stifling innovation throughout the health care sector. Patients no longer believe they are receiving the best care possible. U.S. consumers are no longer the first to benefit from new therapies and technologies.

While the United S...tates has served as the center of medical technology innovation, the global landscape is changing as innovators invest in Europe and emerging countries. Repealing Obamacare will knock down government obstacles that are standing in the way of better care for patients and will unleash a new wave of medical discovery.


· According to a 2016 patient survey, the most important thing to patients is a personal health care experience with their preferred provider that does not require the patient to be rushed through their exams.

· High quality, personalized care has been diminished by the Affordable Care Act. In fact, 25% of people report that Obamacare has personally hurt them.

· In a recent survey of physicians on their impressions of the ACA, over 60% of physicians responded that the ACA has had a negative impact on the quality of care patients receive nationwide.

· Investments in medical innovation, which drive personalized medicine, have also decreased since 2010. Obamacare imposed over $500 billion in new taxes that stifle innovation and capital investment.

· Today, developing new drugs costs over $2.5 billion and takes an average of 14 years – costs that are passed on to patients in the form of higher prices and reduced access to treatments.

· Obamacare’s medical device tax has contributed to discouraging investment in medical technology. For example, venture capital investment is down for all stages of development – early, growth, and later stages – since 2009.

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As a result of Obamacare’s poor design, the law’s insurance exchanges are collapsing and many health insurance companies are pulling out of the market. That’s bad news for patients who now have fewer choices when it comes to picking a health care plan that’s best for them and their families. This lack of competition is making health care more expensive and less available for too many Americans.

It’s time to repeal Obamacare, give patients more choices, and increase competition to make coverage more affordable.

Get the facts here →

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

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There’s been a lot of attention paid to how Obamacare has expanded the number of Americans with insurance coverage. But, health insurance is only as valuable as a patient’s ability to receive actual health care. And on that front, Obamacare is failing – actually reducing access to health care.

Because of this flawed law, plans have been cancelled, networks have narrowed, and there are fewer medical professionals providing care.

Obamacare needs to be repealed so patients not only have insurance, but also access to the level of quality care that best serves their individual needs.

Obamacare is failing.

Obamacare: The Unaffordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act is an ironic name for a law that has only made health insurance and health care unaffordable for millions of Americans. Since its passage, Obamacare has caused premiums to skyrocket, deductibles to increase more than workers’ wages, and the costs of prescription drugs to become more of a burden.

This law must be repealed so individuals and families are not further harmed by the high costs of Obamacare that too often... lead to those who have health coverage not having actual real access to health care.


• Americans with employer health care coverage – approximately 155 million people – are paying higher premiums and higher deductibles under Obamacare. President Obama promised premiums would decline $2,500 per family; instead, average family premiums in the employer-sponsored market have soared to more than $18,000.

• Deductibles are also increasing. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, deductibles for individual plans in the employer-sponsored market are up an average of 89 percent, from $646 in 2010 to $1,221 in 2016. This is faster than the rise in individual premiums (27 percent), four-and-a-half times more than the rise in workers’ wages (6 percent), and more than cumulative inflation over the period (10 percent).

• Individuals and families are facing higher prescription drug costs under Obamacare. The average individual with a plan in the exchange marketplace has to pay 46 percent of his or her total drug costs, compared to 20 percent for someone with employer-sponsored health care, according to Health Affairs.

• Many families have found health care under Obamacare to be so unappealing that instead of purchasing coverage they have chosen to pay the individual mandate penalty. In 2015, roughly 8 million Americans paid the penalty and more than 12 million claimed an exemption from the penalty. That’s at least 20 million people who have decided Obamacare is not worth the trouble and/or the price.

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The current Congressional budget process is broken. The House Budget Committee has put forward a proposal for reform that will make government more efficient, effective, & accountable.


Our budget reform proposal is built on six principles. When they come together, they form the foundation on which we can create a better budget process and make government more efficient, effective, & accountable. Now is the time for principled reform.

This week, the House Budget Committee unveiled its discussion draft of budget process reforms with a keynote speech by Chairman Price at the Brookings Institution. The discussion draft reflects the nearly two years of work by the Committee and its members on this initiative, which has included nine hearings with testimony from over thirty witnesses.

Learn more about the proposed reforms here:

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U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Budget under Interim Chairman Diane Black of Tennessee. Working to get our fiscal house in order.