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Thank you to all of our agricultural educators and advocates for your hard work in sharing the importance of school-based agricultural education. Happy National Teach Ag Day! Learn more about National Teach Ag Day at
As we gather today with our families and friends to celebrate our many blessings, it is fitting to recognize the farmers and ranchers who provided the food on our tables. For generations, American farmers have understood the promise of a seed sewn in the spring would bring a bounty of food in the fall. On behalf of the House Agriculture Committee, we wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
Senator Roberts’ Statement on Biotech Labeling Cloture Vote
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Today marks the 58th United States Presidential Inauguration. This ceremony demonstrates the peaceful transition of power from the executive branch to the new president-elect, a tradition that dates back to the beginning of this nation. #Inauguration2017 #GodBlessAmerica

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Today is #NationalPopcornDay. There are several popular varieties of corn maize that are cultivated in the United States, however, only one of them, the zea mays everta variety, will actually pop. A majority of the popcorn produced in the world is grown in the U.S. with Nebraska leading the corn belt in popcorn production. Did you know Americans consume 13 billion quarts of popcorn a year? That is more than any other country in the world!

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. dedicated his life to achieving equality and justice for all Americans of all colors through peaceful protest. Today, we celebrate the life of a true American hero and reflect on the impact and legacy his activism made on this country. #IHaveADream #MartinLutherKingJrDay

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Today, the House passed H.R. 238, the Commodity End-User Relief Act, which is a bipartisan bill to reauthorize the CFTC - U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.…

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On this day, January 11, 1878, the first bottles of milk were delivered in New York state. National Milk Day commemorates this day and the delivery of one of America’s staple beverages. California produces the most milk in the United States followed by Wisconsin and New York. Did you know the average cow produces 90 glasses of milk each day or about 200,000 glasses of milk during its lifetime? #NationalMilkDay

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I am pleased to announce the House Steering Committee has released their recommendation of six new members to serve on the Agriculture Committee. This is an outstanding group of incoming and returning members, and I look forward to working alongside our new team.…

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Today marks the first official day of the 115th United States Congress, and I am honored to continue serving as Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee as part of America's newly elected Congress.

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Happy New Year on behalf of the House Agriculture Committee. May the new year bring joy, happiness and prosperity for all! #HappyNewYear2017

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from your friends at the House Agriculture Committee. May your days be merry and bright!

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Winter is finally here! Today marks the first day of winter, also known as the #WinterSolstice. Today, the entire northern hemisphere will experience the fewest hours of sunlight we've had all year.

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Today is National Wreaths Across America Day. On this day, volunteers from across the country lay wreaths on the grave markers of our fallen servicemen and women at Arlington National Cemetery and other veterans cemeteries. This movement was designed to honor those who served our country and teach our nation's children about the sacrifices made by veterans and their families. This special holiday has been celebrated annually on the third Saturday of December since 1992. I would like to thank all of our nation's heroes for their service, and may you and your families be blessed this holiday season. #WreathsAcrossAmericaDay

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Last Tuesday, Speaker Paul Ryan lit the U.S. Capitol Christmas tree, which is a tradition stretching back more than 50 years. Each holiday season since 1965, a spruce, fir, or pine tree is chosen to represent the country as the as the "People’s Tree" in Washington, D.C. The tree is a handpicked from a national forest, and with the help of thousands of people, it is transported to the Capitol. This year, the tree was an 80-foot Engelmann spruce from Idaho’s Payette National Forest. The 16,500-pound tree was loaded onto a flatbed truck and traveled the 4,000-mile trip to Washington. After three weeks and 25 stops, it finally arrived on the steps of the Capitol. #CapitolChristmasTree

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Yesterday, the House Agriculture Committee held a hearing to explore recruitment challenges and scholarship opportunities in 1890 Land-Grant Universities. The 1890 Land Grant universities have a long history of making significant contributions to agricultural higher education. These schools are comprised of historically black colleges and universities dedicated to providing educational opportunities for all through innovative scientific research and community-minded extension programs. Members heard from presidents from three of these institutions who spoke on the challenges they face recruiting students to careers in agriculture. I appreciated hearing from these leaders, and I thank Congressman David Scott for his leadership in addressing this important issue.

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As Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, I am proud to announce the arrival of the report summarizing the committee’s two-year review of #SNAP. This committee has heard from 60 witnesses in 16 hearings over the course of the review known as the Past, Present, & Future of SNAP. More than 43 million Americans rely on SNAP to put food on the table for themselves and their families. Over the past two years, we have found that the program is working well in many areas, but there are a number of areas in need of improvement. This review helps us better understand how to help lift those who have fallen on hard times out of poverty and up the economic ladder.…

Today on the Homegrown blog, we continue to explore growing Texas cotton on Shawn Holladay's farm in West Texas. Shawn walks us through the growing process from seedling to cotton boll. With this year’s harvest season nearing the end, we look forward to checking in with the Holladay crew to hear how this year’s crop fared and to find out what happens to his cotton when it leaves his fields.…

Anyone who has driven through country has experienced the pinwheel effect when passing field after field of cotton, watching parallel rows of cotton pass one after another. What most people don’t know is how those fields went from a blank slate of dry, brown dirt to a vast expanse of snow-white cott...

As we gather today with our families and friends to celebrate our many blessings, it is fitting to recognize the farmers and ranchers who provided the food on our tables. For generations, American farmers have understood the promise of a seed sewn in the spring would bring a bounty of food in the fall. On behalf of the House Agriculture Committee, we wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!