CFPB Publications

Order FREE Consumer Financial Protection Bureau publications.

The central mission of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is to make markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans — whether they are applying for a mortgage, choosing among credit cards, or using any number of other consumer financial products.

You may download products by clicking on each product's name. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view the products and is available for download at: Please allow 4-5 weeks for delivery.

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CFPB Office of Older Americans document cover

CFPB Office of Older Americans (515 Kb)
How the CFPB empowers Older Americans to make sound financial decisions and enforces consumer protections for older Americans.

CFPB Office of Older Americans document cover

La Oficina para Personas de Edad Avanzada - CFPB (1.1 Mb)
Cómo la CFPB empodera a los estadounidenses de edad avanzada a tomar decisiones financieras acertadas y asegura el cumplimiento de las protecciones de los consumidores de edad avanzada.

Act Fast to Avoid Foreclosure document cover Act Fast to Avoid Foreclosure (159 Kb)
What to do when you can't afford your mortgage payment. Lists what you need to have in hand when you make the call for help.
Act Fast to Avoid Foreclosure document cover Actúe con rapidez para evitar la ejecución hiptecaria (325 Kb)
Qué hacer cuando no puede pagar la hipoteca. Proporciona una lista de lo que debe tener al momento de llamar en busca de ayuda.
CFPB Office of Servicemember Affairs document cover CFPB Office of Servicemember Affairs (434 Kb)
How the CFPB serves the unique challenges and financial education needs of military service members facing deployment, change of duty stations, and emergencies.
Keep a Lid on Checking Account Fees Keep a Lid on Checking Account Fees (178 Kb)
Six steps to reduce your checking account fees.
Keep a Lid on Checking Account Fees Controle los cargos de las cuentas corrientes (345 Kb)
Seis pasos para reducir los cargos de su cuenta corriente.
Moving Your Checking Account Checklist document cover Moving Your Checking Account Checklist (175 Kb)
A 10-step checklist for closing your current checking account and opening a new checking account.
Moving Your Checking Account Checklist document cover Listado de control para el cambio de la cuenta corriente (284 Kb)
Lista 10 pasos para cerrar su cuenta corriente actual y abrir una nueva.
Credit Discrimination is Illegal document cover Credit Discrimination is Illegal (157 Kb)
Eight warning signs of credit discrimination and what to do if you believe you've been discriminated against.
Credit Discrimination is Illegal document cover La discriminación en el crédito es ilegal (425 Kb)
Ocho señales de advertencia de la discriminación crediticia y qué hacer si cree haber sido víctima de discriminación.
Do You Know If You Have Opted in for Debt and ATM Overdraft Coverage? document cover Do You Know If You Have Opted in for Debt and ATM Overdraft Coverage? (178 Kb)
What you must know about debit card and ATM overdraft coverage. Plus, how to reduce or eliminate debit card and ATM overdraft fees.
Do You Know If You Have Opted in for Debt and ATM Overdraft Coverage? document cover ¿Sabe si ha optado por la cobertura de los sobregiros por débitos o cajeros ATM? (279 Kb)
Todo lo que debe saber sobre la cobertura de los sobregiros por tarjeta de débito o cajeros ATM. Además, cómo reducir o eliminar los cargos de los sobregiros por tarjetas de débito o cajeros ATM.
Act Fast if You Can't Pay Your Credit Cards document cover Act Fast if You Can't Pay Your Credit Cards (132 Kb)
Three steps to take when you don't have enough money to pay your credit card bill. How to avoid debt-counseling scams.
Act Fast if You Can't Pay Your Credit Cards document cover Si no puede pagar su tarjeta de crédito, actúe con rapidez (359 Kb)
Tres pasos que debe seguir cuando no tiene dinero suficiente para pagar la cuenta de la tarjeta de crédito. Cómo evitar las estafas de asesores de deuda.
ASK CFPB Bookmark ASK CFPB Bookmark (154 Kb)
Two bookmarks: #1 highlights the Consumer Finance Protection Board's "Ask the CFPB" program #2 Encourages consumers to share their financial services experiences through the CFPB's
ASK CFPB Bookmark Consulte a la CFPB (marcador de libros) (102 Kb)
Dos separadores de páginas: el número 1 destaca el programa 'Ask the CFPB' - 'Pregúntale al CFPB' y el número 2 alienta a los consumidores a compartir sus experiencias con servicios financieros a través del programa de CFPB 'Tell Us Your Story' - 'Cuéntanos tu historia'.
Check your Credit Report document cover Check your Credit Report (102 Kb)
Free ways to check your credit report to find and fix mistakes, update your information, and guard against identity theft.
Check your Credit Report document cover Verifique su informe crediticio al menos una vez al año (332 Kb)
Formas gratuitas de verificar su informe crediticio para buscar y solucionar problemas, actualizar su información y protegerse contra el robo de identidad.
Considering a Reverse Mortgage Considering a Reverse Mortgage (105 Kb)
Important questions to ask when you talk to a housing counselor about your reverse mortgage options and alternatives.
Considering a Reverse Mortgage ¿Está pensando en una hipoteca revertida? (407 Kb)
Preguntas importantes que debe formular cuando habla con un consejero de vivienda sobre las opciones y alternativas de su hipoteca revertida.
Pay Attention to Your Credit Report document cover Pay Attention to Your Credit Report (113 Kb)
Steps to get and keep a good credit score. Find out what helps and what hurts your credit score.
Pay Attention to Your Credit Report document cover Preste atención a su informe crediticio (251 Kb)
Pasos para tener y mantener un buen puntaje crediticio. Descubra los aspectos que favorecen y que dañan su puntaje crediticio.
Save Some & Spend Some document cover Save Some & Spend Some (354 Kb)
Free and easy ways to split your tax refund between accounts so you can spend some and save some of your money.
Ahorra una parte y gasta otra Ahorra una parte y gasta otra (353 Kb)
Una forma gratis y fácil de dividir tu rembolso de tus impuestos y depositarlo en cuentas diferentes. Así podrás ahorrar una parte y gastar otra.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - CFPB Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - CFPB (831 Kb)
How the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau empowers consumers through financial education, market supervision, and enforcement of financial protection laws.
Oficina para la Protección Financiera del Consumidor (CFPB) Oficina para la Protección Financiera del Consumidor (CFPB) (153 Kb)
La Oficina para la Protección Financiera del Consumidor ayuda a los consumidores ofreciendo educación, supervisando el mercado de productos financieros y haciendo cumplir las leyes
Resdy, Set, Save Filier Ready, Set, Save Flier (113 Kb)
This one page explains how saving even some of your federal income tax refund could help prepare you to handle financial emergencies or achieve bigger goals, like retirement, college or a down payment on a house or car. Available in English and Spanish.
Resdy, Set, Save Filier Folleto: Preparado, Listo, Ahorra (121 Kb)
Este afiche de 24 y 36 pulgadas motiva a los contribuyentes a "hacer que su rembolso de los impuestos les rinda". También menciona que deben estar Listos para emergencias o gastos repentinos. Reservar parte de su rembolso. Y Ahorrar un poquito todos los meses para que su dinero aumente.
Resdy, Set, Save Poster Ready, Set, Save Poster (83 Kb)
This 24-inch by 36-inch poster encourages taxpayers to "make their tax refunds go further." It instructs readers to be Ready for emergencies and financial surprises. Set aside some of their refunds. And, to Save a little every month to help their money grow. Available in English and Spanish.
Resdy, Set, Save Poster Afiche: Preparado, Listo, Ahorra (84 Kb)
Este folleto explica que al ahorrar parte del rembolso de los impuestos ayuda a estar preparado(a) para emergencias financieras o alcanzar metas como la jubilación, universidad o la cuota inicial de una casa o un carro.
Resdy, Set, Save Tax Preparer Talking Points Ready, Set, Save VITA Tax Preparer Talking Points (154 Kb)
Tax preparers play a key role in encouraging tax payers to use their income tax refunds to build wealth. These simple talking points offer volunteer tax preparers suggestions about how to talk about saving and why it's important.
Resdy, Set, Save Tax Preparer Instructions Ready, Set, Save vita Tax Preparer Instructions (90 Kb)
Volunteer tax preparers may not feel comfortable talking to taxpayers about saving some of their income tax refunds. These instructions offer guidance to make the process easier.

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