WebdefPicAWE Webinars

2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015




Turning Water Loss into Revenue: The Emerging Field of Water Audit Validation
Kate Gasner of Water Systems Optimization and Will Jernigan of Cavanaugh & Associates discuss the emerging field of water audit validation. The AWWA M36 Methodology for Water Auditing & Water Loss Control has solidified its place as best-practice in the water industry. As more utilities begin conducting AWWA water audits, and as more regions in North America begin collecting these audits at the regulatory level, the realm of water audit validation has organically become the next wave of best-practices to unfold. [
Recording]  [PowerPoint]  [Showcase] 


EPA WaterSense/AWE Partnership Webinar - The Garden Gurus' Watershed Approach to Landscaping
Healthy soil, climate-appropriate plants, rainwater use, and water-efficient irrigation contribute to a Watershed Approach to landscaping. Attendees will learn how WaterSense partner and AWE member G3, Green Gardens Group, uses one-on-one coaching sessions to help its customers think more holistically about their landscapes.


EPA WaterSense/AWE Partnership Webinar - Irrigate Smarter: Connecting Homeowners to Their Controllers
Today’s WaterSense® labeled weather-based irrigation controllers incorporate “smart” technologies that can do the thinking for consumers in terms of when and how much to water, but they must be properly programmed to realize their full water-saving potential. This webinar discusses how water agencies, such as the City of Plano, Texas, are teaching residents how to correctly operate irrigation controllers to improve landscape health and reduce water waste due to runoff. [Recording

Exemplary Programs: School and Youth Conservation Programs to Educate Tomorrow's Water Warriors
As part of our series showcasing Exemplary Programs of AWE partners, this 60-minute webinar features examples of creative and successful programs developed by North Texas Municipal Water District (TX) and Cobb County Water System (GA) to teach school-age children and youth about conservation and the value of water.
[Request PowerPoint and Recording - free to AWE members/$40 for non-members]. 


AWE Water Conservation Tracking Tool - Version 3
Whether you’re new to planning conservation programs or looking to build on current efforts, getting the maximum water savings out of every dollar invested is critical. AWE has launched Version 3 of its Water Conservation Tracking Tool, a state-of-the-art planning model used by water managers that can evaluate the water savings, costs and benefits of conservation programs for your water utility. In this not-to-be-missed webinar, AWE's Bill Christiansen and Mary Ann Dickinson go over the Tracking Tool's brand new features. The Tracking tool is free for use by AWE members in good standing, and the webinar is free of charge to the general public. [Recording]  [PowerPoint]


EPA WaterSense/AWE Partnership Webinar - Relationship Building Between Irrigation Professionals and Utilities
The 5th webinar in a series from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's WaterSense® program and the Alliance for Water Efficiency on outdoor water use. Join speakers Melissa Baum-Haley, Senior Water Resource Analyst with the Municipal Water District of Orange County; Sergio Ramirez, Water Use Efficiency Administrator with the Laguna Beach County Water District; and Glen Frohlich, with Glen's Landscape, to learn how they are working together to advance water-efficient irrigation in their communities. [Recording]

Managing Drought: Learning From Australia
Lessons learned during Australia’s worst drought on record are helping California through its own water crisis. In this webinar, AWE President and CEO Mary Ann Dickinson, Dr. Stuart White, Director of the Institute for Sustainable Futures, and Heather Cooley, Water Program Director of the Pacific Institute present on their recent report,
"Managing Drought: Learning from Australia." The report provides an overview of the key initiatives implemented by Australia's four largest cities during an extended period of extreme drought, and outlines how those measures could help California through its current water crisis. [Recording] [PowerPoint] 


EPA WaterSense/AWE Partnership Webinar - Advancing Sustainable Landscape Designs   
Are you looking for ways to help homeowners think more sustainability about landscape choices? The Sustainable Landscapes Program, a $1.4 million public-private partnership among six entities, has released its new publication, the San Diego Sustainable Landscape Guidelines, which is available at www.watersmartsd.org. This webinar highlights the U.S. EPA WaterSense® program’s resources to promote water-smart landscapes across the country, and new research initiatives from the Alliance for Water Efficiency to develop more accurate data and information about what programs, practices, and irrigation technologies save the most water. Join speakers Carlos Michelon, principal water resources specialist for the San Diego County Water Authority, Beth Livingston, WaterSense brand manager, as well as Peter Mayer, Technical Advisor of AWE, to learn what’s behind water-smart landscaping throughout Southern California and the nation. [Recording] 


The Impact of Green Codes and Standards on Water Efficiency - Part II
The past 15 years have seen enormous growth in the attention to ‘green’ construction practices. Today’s codes and standards are addressing environmental and other issues with new technologies, products, and approaches to design. This webinar will take the participant beyond the basics covered in Part I and will address some of the unique water efficiency provisions that constitute the seven dominant green codes and standards. [Request PowerPoint and Recording - free to AWE members/$40 for non-members]. 


Assessing Increasing Water-Use Efficiency on Demand Hardening: Is it a Real Problem?
"Demand hardening” is a concept that is usually defined as whether long-term increases in water-use efficiency can negatively impact an area’s ability to adapt to extended water shortages and further reduce demand. AWE conducted a study in 2015 to examine this issue, determine its viability, and provide overall recommendations. Consumption data were compiled from seven water supplier case studies located throughout the arid Southwestern United States, and the analysis evaluated the “ability” of customers to reduce water demand during extended shortages as well as their “willingness” to do so. The report was published by AWE in July of 2015, and this webinar will feature the report’s author and cover the report’s conclusions and recommendations from the study. [
Request PowerPoint and Recording free to AWE members/$40 for non-members] 



EPA WaterSense/AWE Partnership Webinar - Consumers Attitudes Toward Water Efficient Landscapes
What motivates homeowners to adopt water-efficient landscape designs and irrigation practices? What obstacles must irrigation professionals and water providers overcome to move the needle towards more water-efficient choices? In this third webinar in the EPA WaterSense and Alliance for Water Efficiency partnership series, join Utah State University professors Kelly Kopp and Joanna Endter-Wada to learn how Utah State University's Center for Water-Efficient Landscaping’s water efficiency programs have engaged thousands of Utah homeowners to achieve real, meaningful results—and what they’ve learned along the way. Stephanie Duer, Water Conservation Program Manager of the Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities also shares her perspective and explains how the water utility has benefitted from cooperation with the Center. [Recording]


Innovations in Efficiency Showcase: Cooling Tower Management: Managing and Optimizing Water Efficiency 
This webinar showcases two AWE business members who are helping water utilities and businesses pursue water efficiency and safety through innovative Cooling Tower Management programs and technologies. Showcase 1: TERLYN Industries’ Cooling Tower water Conservation Program. Showcase 2: Phigenics, LLC pioneering a portfolio approach to cooling water management through independence. Watch it now to stay ahead of the curve on innovations in efficiency. [
PowerPoint] [Recording] [Showcase] 


Water Management Programs According to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188-2015, with an Overview of the Legionnaires' Disease Outbreak and Response in New York City
Important informational webinar on ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188, and its role in the New York City Health Commissioner's Order regarding the outbreak of Legionnaires' Disease in the South Bronx. Dr. William McCoy, PhD, Chief Technology Officer of Phigenics and a voting member of the ANSI/ASHRAE Standards Project Committee 188, leads a tour of the Standard and answers your questions. Listen to this webinar to learn how the newly published ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188 affects you and your operations. [Request PowerPoint and Recording - free to AWE members/$40 for non-members]. 


Making the (Business) Case for Water Efficiency 
EPA WaterSense and the Alliance for Water Efficiency partnered to provide the second webinar in a co-sponsored webinar series dedicated to outdoor water efficiency topics. When utilities engage with irrigation professionals to promote conservation, it's a win-win-win. Home and business owners can save money, utilities can see reduced peak demand, and professionals can boost their business. [Recording] 
Explaining Outdoor Water Use Restrictions  
Outdoor water use restrictions, or watering schedules, can be a cost-effective way to reduce water use quickly in times of drought and as a long-term efficiency measure – but not all restrictions are created equal. Learn from conservation experts about the basics of water use restrictions, the various options available to water managers, and how to maximize savings from this efficiency measure. This webinar covers: 1) Types of restrictions: During drought vs. Permanent measures; 2) Examples of successful restrictions: Frisco, TX and Valencia, CA; and 3) Considerations for design, enforcement and evaluation.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording] 


The Impact of Codes and Standards on Water Efficiency  
The impacts of water scarcity, drought, declining water quality and a growing population are all converging upon us. Fortunately, dedicated specialists have been working for decades in the codes and standards arena and their work has manifested itself in an array of provisions that have saved billions of gallons of water in and around our nation’s buildings. Why does the Alliance for Water Efficiency place such a high priority on following the development of Codes and Standards? Because they are effective! But how does it all work? Find out in this webinar. [Request PowerPoint and Recording - free to AWE members/$40 for non-members] [AWE Resource Library--Standards & Codes]


Water Conservation Strategies: Experimenting Together to Find Out What Works
There is a quiet revolution occurring in the way we understand how best to conserve water and energy. Economists and other social scientists are making greater use of “field experiments” to test what actually works in getting businesses and consumers to conserve. This webinar offers an overview of behavioral economics; provide a primer on how water management professionals can benefit from doing randomized controlled trials, and summarize some actual experiments. Included is a conversation about ways academics might partner with utilities to test, design and deliver innovative and effective water programs for the public.
[Request PowerPoint and Recording - free to AWE members/$40 for non-members] 


Time for a Sprinkler Spruce-Up: An EPA WaterSense and AWE Partner Series 
Spring is finally here, and it's the perfect time to remind homeowners how to spruce up their irrigation systems before ramping up outdoor water use. EPA WaterSense and the Alliance for Water Efficiency partnered to provide a "Time for a Sprinkler Spruce-Up" webinar on April 14, the first installment in a new co-sponsored webinar series dedicated to outdoor water efficiency topics. [Recording] 

Drought-Tolerant Turf: A New Option for Improving Outdoor Water Efficiency?  
This webinar describes the turfgrass research conducted by Utah State University’s Center for Water Efficient Landscaping and other cooperating Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance (TWCA) researchers, the locations of testing sites across the United States, and the qualified turfgrass varieties that have already successfully completed the TWCA evaluation process.  Also explored is how this information can be practically used by utility conservation staff in planning outdoor water efficiency programs.  [Request PowerPoint and Recording - free to AWE members/$40 for non-members] 


AMI and Water Efficiency: What are the Issues? 
Interested in how AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) can assist your water conservation program?  Having trouble determining customer water usage and how to identify leaks?  Concerned about the issues in choosing AMI/AMR technologies and how to avoid problems of implementation?  This is the webinar for you.  This webinar reviews the technology, its application in water efficiency management, and critical success factors for deploying AMI and realizing all the benefits.  [Request PowerPoint and Recording - free to AWE members/$40 for non-members 



Creating Resilient Cities: Financing Water Efficiency in the Colorado River Basin  
A webinar on the financial issues of water efficiency in the Colorado River Basin. How do we fund water efficiency? How do we provide guidance on water pricing and rates? What tools are available to water managers faced with the need to be efficient in their systems but concerned about revenue stability for their utility? Hosted by the Water Efficiency Action Network of the Colorado River Basin and the Alliance for Water Efficiency, this 60-minute webinar provides useful guidance on these issues.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording 


Innovations in Efficiency Showcase: Merging Technology and Science to Instill a Water Ethic: Innovative Customer Education Strategies for Water Managers  
This webinar showcases two AWE members who are merging technology and scientific findings to help create smarter water consumers at home and in the classroom.  Showcase 1: Lessons for Water Managers from Behavioral Science, demonstrates how WaterSmart Software partners with communities to apply behavioral science insights and achieve efficiency objectives.  Showcase 2: Educating Efficiency and the Role of STEM, shares the STEMhero curriculum that teachers and school districts are using in places like Milwaukee to help instill the lessons of water efficiency in the next generation.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording]  [Showcase] 


Smart Water Management for Ensuring Safety and Efficiency in Building Water Systems  
This webinar addresses the emerging issue of pathogen growth in water efficient systems, highlights best practices for ensuring safety and efficiency in these building systems, and provides guidance on how to manage messages about this issue to your customers. While pathogen growth is not normally within the purview of the water efficiency professional, it is important to understand the potential intersection between slower residence times of water in the utility distribution system, the loss of disinfection residual, subsequent pathogen growth, how water efficiency may be a factor, and what the remedies are in better building management.  This webinar presents a high-level overview of these issues as well as guidance on how to message this issue to your customers.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording 


Financing Sustainable Water: Solutions to Help Managers Align Rates, Revenue and Resources  
The Alliance for Water efficiency (AWE) has launched a new series of resources and tools to provide practical information to water managers on developing, evaluating and implementing rate structures that balance revenue management, resource efficiency and fiscal sustainability.  This webinar introduces AWE’s handbook on rate setting entitled Building Better Water Rates for an Uncertain World, and demonstrates the new AWE Sales Forecasting and Rate Model.  Visit www.FinancingSustainableWater.org.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording] 


How to Benefit from AWE's HWW Water Usage Calculator  
An informative webinar on how to benefit from AWE’s free water usage calculator and provide useful information for your customers.  The calculator, a main feature of AWE’s consumer-oriented Home Water Works website, is a fun, user-friendly, and accurate way for your customers to calculate their own household water use and how to become more efficient.  AWE has developed program ideas for how to use this calculator in your conservation programs, and has further developed ways that the calculator can be customized to fit your specific program objectives.  This webinar provides background information on how the calculator is structured, what it can provide to you, and how to best utilize it in your conservation programs.  It also presents options for possible customization.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording]  [Customization Options & Costs]  

ANSI/AWWA G480 Water Conservation Program Operation and Management Standard  
This webinar explores all elements of the G480 standard and discusses the activities that can be undertaken by a utility within its own operations to improve water use on the supply side through distribution system management and on the demand side through customer billing and education practices.  The webinar also discusses how the standard can be adopted and utilized by utilities and what constitutes compliance.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording]  [Learn more here 


Water Loss: What are the Best Economic Options for Managing Leakage? 
This webinar discusses a newly-completed project from the Water Research Foundation (Project 4372) that will help managers analyze and reduce water utility system leakage in the most cost-effective way. The project produced a free user-friendly model that is a major improvement in standard leakage component analysis for the water utility community.  The webinar will specifically cover: 1) Goals and Background of Project 4371; 2) Findings of a Literature Review; 3) Purpose and Outputs of the Model; 4) Recommendations on Applying the Model; and 5) Next Steps on Outreach and Training.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording]  [WRF Project Page 


Exemplary Programs Series: Innovative CII Water Efficiency Programs 
As part of a new series which AWE has launched on showcasing Exemplary Programs of its members, this webinar will feature the internationally recognized CII programs of City West Water in Melbourne, Australia.  During Australia's epic 10-year drought, water suppliers in southeastern Australia needed to get deep reductions in their business customer water use.  This 90-minute webinar, held on May 6, features the creative business efficiency program examples developed by City West Water and offers practical advice on how to set up these innovative programs in your service area.  [PowerPoint]  [Request Recording - free to AWE members/$45 for non-members] 


Exemplary Program Series: Innovative Outdoor Water Conservation Programs  
The West is suffering from serious drought, particularly in California, and AWE wishes to provide helpful advice and ideas for conservation professionals.  As part of a new series which AWE has launched on showcasing Exemplary Programs of its members, this webinar presents innovative outdoor water conservation program ideas and examples that have been tested and proven successful through actual implementation.  Presented by Karen Guz, Director of Conservation for the San Antonio Water System, this webinar includes on-the-ground innovative and practical strategies that can be undertaken by any water supplier wishing to better manage customer outdoor water use in a drought.  Some of the ideas are new spins on older strategies, some are outright new and different programs.  [PowerPoint]  [Request Recording - free to AWE members/$45 for non-members] 


Never Waste Campaign: Change the Way Your Customers Use Water in 2014 
It’s more important than ever to get customers thinking differently about their water use as demands on water grow.  AWE’s Never Waste campaign is a consumer-facing educational campaign built around the idea of a water bottle to quantify and measure how much water we waste daily – and it’s free for member use!  Learn about how this campaign can help you engage customers and partners, and change the way they think about water through free, easy-to-use resources such as digital advertising images, marketing collateral and educational content.  Learn what’s new for Never Waste in 2014, and get fresh ideas on how to creatively use these resources in your community. You will also hear from the City of Ventura in California about how they forged partnerships within their community to reach their customers through creative platforms, and cost-effectively leveraged campaign resources to make a splash through owned properties, media and events.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording] 

Working with Your State Broadcasters' Association to Educate Consumers  
As droughts and strains on water supplies become more common, promoting public education and awareness about efficient water use – and delivering a consistent message to customers – is more important than ever.  However, engaging your customers in a meaningful way doesn’t need to blow the budget. The National Alliance of State Broadcasters Associations (NASBA) is comprised of State Broadcasters Associations that offer great opportunities to distribute public education messages through a statewide network of radio and television stations at discounted costs, while documenting measurable results.  Listen to learn about how to explore and pursue this opportunity in your own state, and hear how the Texas Water Foundation successfully utilized this resource to reach people throughout the state with their message about wise water use.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording] 



Understanding the Water Conservation Implications of Reduced Flows in Building Drains 
On November 26, 2012 the Plumbing Efficiency Research Coalition (PERC) released its long-awaited Phase 1 Study, Drainline Transport of Solid Waste in Buildings.  This study provides important insights into the performance of building drains and addresses opportunities for further research into this area.  The significance of this study is the subject of this webinar.  This webinar is specifically geared to the water conservation professional.  [PowerPoint]


Assessing the Economic & Environmental Benefits of Industrial WUE in the Great Lakes Region 
The Alliance for Water Efficiency, with funding from the Great Lakes Protection Fund, assessed five representative industries within the Great Lakes watershed that are supplied with treated drinking water and that discharge to a local wastewater utility. The assessments that were conducted focused on four factors: 1) Potential water conservation opportunities; 2) Benefits and costs from the water user's perspective; 3) The environmental benefits of undertaking those conservation opportunities; and 4) A strategy for providing funding assistance to industries. The project and its findings are the subject of this webinar.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording]


Our Current Revenue Loss Dilemma: Is Consumer Conservation Really the Culprit? 
In times of drought when supplies are short, utilities ask customers to conserve through restrictions and other forms of demand reduction measures. Yet in times of abundance, when it has rained a lot and consumer outdoor water use is down, utilities sometimes beg for higher water sales in order to meet fixed system costs. Worse, needed water efficiency programs are cut when utility revenues decline because the desire to sell more water is paramount. This webinar discusses the true causes of the current water utility revenue losses and provides guidance on how to consider conservation a financial asset to the utility and not a detriment. It will draw from the discussions at a special rates summit held in August, 2012 at The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording]


Water and Energy Nexus Research: Summary & Recommendations 
A webinar providing new information on the Water-Energy Nexus, an issue that is more important than ever and increasingly drawing national attention in the wake of President Obama’s commitment to more sustainable resource management. AWE and ACEEE’s related report reveals the gaps in what we know today about the connection, identifies critical research needs and lays out next steps to achieve economic and environmental benefits of water and energy efficiency.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording]


Partnering for Water & Energy Savings 
This webinar explores the options for water and energy utilities to work together, and provides guidance as well as specific examples of successful programs in the field.  Featured in the webinar are two research reports that address the opportunities for partnership and the current barriers involved.  Speaking in the webinar are two water utilities with great programs on water and energy planning and implementation: East Bay Municipal Utility District in Oakland, California, and Tampa Bay Water in Clearwater, Florida.  This webinar addresses the more practical side of planning water and energy savings opportunities, and provides two excellent case study examples.  [PowerPoint]  [RecordingReports: 1) ACEEE-AWE's Tackling the Nexus: Exemplary Programs that Save Both Energy and Water; and 2) Western Resource Advocates' Conservation Synergy: The Case for Integrating Water and Energy Efficiency Programs. 



Introduction to the Home Water Works Web Site  
Need a clever way to get your consumers to understand where they use water and how they can conserve?  Then the Home Water Works Web Site is for you!  Join the Alliance for Water Efficiency team for this one-hour webinar which will explore all the cool features of our consumer information web site, including a special demonstration that will cover how to use the household water calculator and get accurate results in a fun and easy way.  [PowerPoint


Overspray = Overpay: What Your Customers Need to Know about Efficient Irrigation  
At a loss as to what to tell your customers about how to irrigate efficiently and save water?  This webinar provides you with some basic technical information so that you can discuss irrigation management with your residential as well as your commercial customers, and is taught by experts in the irrigation field.  [PowerPoint]  [Request Recording - free to AWE members/$50 for non-members] 


Strategies for Identifying and Minimizing Non-Revenue Water 
This 90-minute webinar features instructor Reinhard Sturm, co-author of the classic NRW textbook Water Loss Control.  This webinar is intended for water conservation managers who need cross-over training on the distribution-side management of leakage and other forms of non-revenue water, but is provides a good basic training for network managers as well.  This webinar also discusses a project which should provide new information on these methods funded by the Water Research Foundation.  [PowerPoint]   [Request Recording - free to AWE members/$50 for non-members] 


The Benefits of AWE Membership 
What does membership in the Alliance for Water Efficiency bring you?  Hear about the myriad programs and products that the Alliance offers to its members. Not only does Alliance membership bring you the technical assistance network a national policy issues platform, it also brings you detailed information and tools to help you do your everyday job.  From newsletters to models, from web sites to publication discounts, from codes to consumer tips, the Alliance is all about membership benefit.  Listen, and learn what your AWE membership can provide for you and why it is worth every penny.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording


The Water Efficiency and Conservation State Scorecard: An Assessment of Laws & Policies 
This webinar introduced the final draft of the above titled state scorecard.  After releasing the draft report in April of 2012, the Alliance for Water Efficiency and Environmental Law Institute collected comments.  AWE and ELI presented the final draft in this webinar, and spoke to the value and purpose of the effort.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording]


Consumer Media Campaign "Never Waste" 
A webinar to introduce a brand new consumer information campaign. Based on the concept of "never waste," the campaign emphasizes how much water is wasted during typical consumer actions and events. The campaign includes ad messages as well as a printed stainless steel water bottle--free to all AWE members. Join the webinar to find out how you can participate in this national campaign, and order customized bottles!  [PowerPoint]  [Recording]



The Benefits of AWE Membership 
What does membership in the Alliance for Water Efficiency bring you?  Hear about the myriad programs and products that the Alliance offers to its members. Not only does Alliance membership bring you the technical assistance network a national policy issues platform, it also brings you detailed information and tools to help you do your everyday job.  From newsletters to models, from web sites to publication discounts, from codes to consumer tips, the Alliance is all about membership benefit.  Listen, and learn what your AWE membership can provide for you and why it is worth every penny.  [PowerPoint]


AWE's Water Conservation Tracking Tool 
Need help in planning your water conservation programs?  The Alliance for Water Efficiency has a solution for you and a webinar to tell you all about it.  The Tracking Tool is available to AWE members in different versions for those states (California, Texas, and Georgia) that have different requirements than the national plumbing code and appliance standards.  Over 250 registered users of the Tracking Tool are already enjoying its benefits.  Listen, and find out why.  [PowerPoint]


How Can Water Efficiency Improve Stream Flows 
Can water efficiency efforts help in practice to improve instream flows?  A report from the Alliance for Water Efficiency, American Rivers, and the Environmental Law Institute outlines practical possibilities for linking water efficiency efforts and healthier instream flows in the Colorado River basin.  Here the project team members will describe the project’s findings, the reasons for undertaking it, experience from case studies west-wide, and the relevant law in the seven basin states.  [PowerPoint]  [Recording]