Canadian National Water Efficiency Network

A Canadian chapter of the Alliance for Water Efficiency


Fusion Landscaping®
  Source: Region of Peel 


To conduct water efficiency research and technology improvement, promote programs and legislation that ensure the efficient and sustainable use of water resources, and to provide a national network for sharing the latest information on municipal water efficiency programming. 


Kathy McAlpine Sims, CNWEN Chair 

Chapter Roster 


  1. To identify water efficiency research and technology needs and to facilitate and/or promote the required research and technology development.
  2. To undertake independent, quality assured research of water efficiency/use technology and water efficiency programs.
  3. To communicate to stakeholders and the general public the findings of any research projects or initiatives undertaken by the Network.
  4. To publicize and utilize the results of research projects to influence the development of more progressive water use/efficiency regulations and policies at all levels of government.
  5. To work collaboratively with governments (municipal, provincial and federal), the private sector, academia, water efficiency organizations and non-government organizations (NGOs) to advance and promote water efficiency.
  6. To host a National water efficiency conference every other year.

Water Softener Testing Rig
  Source: Region of Waterloo and City of Guelph 





  • Canadian adaptation of AWE's interactive Home Water Works web site
  • Joint CWWA Conference